I've heard its a "Red must do" and I was wondering what the pro's like because the guide doesn't say anything about it, or many of the other routes at that. What is a common rack for leading at the Red? Not to into butt jams or stacking so I don't carry big bro's, offwidth is not my forte.
For rock wars its good to have 3 or so mid size stoppers, 2 grey bd (or yellow tcu), one or two purple bd, and a green for after the bolt....have fun....
get on Autumn, and Vector Trouble if thats the grade your looking for..
you should be able to do rockwars on a standard rack. i was able to protect the bit before the first set of anchors with nuts and maybe a few small cams and then .75-1 camalots for the top
Sand inhibits the production of toughtosterone, so get it out and send.