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Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:46 pm
Would anyone else think it's strange if:

a. You received a wedding invitation from your boss's daughter whom you have never met.

b. Your wife receives a wedding shower invitation from your boss's daughter whom she has never met and had no idea who she is.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:03 pm
by Crankmas
that is sooo wrong whatever you do don't snitch you'll lose your street cred and perhaps solve a crime

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:07 pm
by kirker
Celebrity status gets you all kinds of attention :lol:

Just kiddin

I've had similar situations. I usually feel their after the gifts, but I tend to look for the worst in people's intentions first.

But definitely strange.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:10 pm
by Andrew
It is weird but not uncommon.

Its usually people stretching for friends or just people to invite becuase they don't have friends.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:18 pm
by Meadows
A. I would say it's weird, but I've heard of this often (with wealthy/prestigious families).

B. Is really f-in weird. Did this seriously happen?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:40 pm
by Lateralus
send horatio in your place!
problem solved

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:42 pm
Meadows, yes it did and you probably know who did it.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:20 am
by ynot
They are fishing for gifts

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:32 am
by Josephine
when i got married my mom made me invite lots of her "card club" friends i didn't know. her argument was "these are my friends and i want them there"
i protested, but she was footing the bill and so they got invited anyways. do you know the dad that well that he would want you to share in the joy of his son's marriage? if not - perhaps you'll conveniently be "out of town"

i had no control over who came to my showers - no one bothered to ask me who i wanted. there were people at one of them i'd never met before - but they were cousins of the groom so technically we'd be connected in some way. i'd say the shower invite is fishy.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:59 am
by Andrew
SCIN how good of friends are you with your boss.