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Permanent Bases in Iraq?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:10 pm
by gulliver
It's only hinted at sometimes but it's always dropped. Permanent US military bases in Iraq. I'd like to know how everyone feels about them.

Last year both the house and senate had bills agreeing that No monies were to be used for the purpose of funding permanent bases in Iraq. By the time it came out of commitee, that language was gone. It may not have survived a signing statement anyway. and maybe they were already funded or could be by some other means ala Iran-contra or allies.

Personally, I'd like my party to adopt as their campaign platform that absolutely no base would be held beyond Iraq coming to grips with whatever rule it comes up with.

There may be as many as four huge bases there now apparently set up for decades long occupation. Big enough, and self sustained enough to hold regardless of what is going on outside their walls.

It's hard to imagine, but I see this slowly being accepted as we're talked into it, as a necessary part of our foreign policy to protect our interests. It will once again break down along party lines. Those opposed will be 'weak on the millitary'. It will be integral to The War on Terror. Is this a partisan thing?

We could just say no. The money wasted would just be that. It was wasted, let's move on.
I know these war and politics things get old, but I'm curious. Seems this could be weighed in on without getting too nasty or over the top.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:10 am
by der uber
Finally! Some chill conversation that I can get down with. Work is so stressful lately, and nothing is better to unwind to than a discussion of the prospect of permanent bases in Iraq. I'd say that as long as the soldiers have soft serve ice cream, and the football package on the satellite, then its cool with me. Those 2 add-ons shouldn't cost too much.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:49 pm
by Dink Dink
Permanent bases in Iraq? Won't happen. Politically, both domestically and internationally, it would be too damaging. Our next president will pull our soldiers out of Iraq, unless there is another situation such as 9/11. It's too unpopular right now for anyone to win the election unless they back withdrawal. Then Iraq will quickly erupt into civil war, because these people have been trying for centuries to kill each other and only the fact that they feared Saddam more than they hated each other kept them in check for so long. Historically, the area that is modern day Iraq has been a hotbed seat for uprisings and unrest. It will not be solved in a few years, and the American people will not support indefinite occupation or the extreme measures that would have be taken in order to solve it. So no, I doubt we'll be there for that long. Afghanistan, however...

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:50 pm
by Alan Evil
Let's see, in locations throughout Iraq our military has been building huge fortified bases, including some on top of (thereby crushing) some of the oldest archaeolgical sites in the world, but they're just temporary?


As of mid-2005, the U.S. military had 106 forward operating bases in Iraq, including what the Pentagon calls 14 “enduringâ€

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:15 pm
by Paul3eb

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:27 pm
by J
I did not realize we were talking about iraq i rescind my vote and would like to say i think that bush is one of the worst prez eva

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 3:08 am
by Bashie
They are definitely planning on leaving permanent troops over there. We will keep permanent squads over there to fight terrorist threats.... unless Kucinich gets elected, he's pretty much the only hope of getting everyone out.