Scientific Poll for those who Strongly Approve of Shrub
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:10 pm
*If You Love the President . . .*
Take this poll. Don't worry, you can sign with an X.
By Gene Weingarten
Sunday, February 18, 2007; W40
According to a recent survey, 17 percent of the American public
"/strongly/" approves of the job George W. Bush is doing. Not just
approves, but strongly approves. I found those numbers interesting but
incomplete. Don't you want to know who those people are? What sorts of
lives do they lead? How they make their judgments?
I think we can safely presume that about one-tenth of 1 percent of these
people are plutocrats, al-Qaeda sleeper cell agents, Lockheed Martin
executives, vice presidents of the United States, etc. But what about
the rest? In the interests of fair and responsible journalism, and
without any preconceived biases, I have created a poll to scientifically
analyze this group of Americans. Please do not answer the questions
below unless you "strongly approve" of the job President Bush is doing.
/1. How do you think the war in Iraq is going?/
a) Splendidly
b) Very well, indeed
c) Quite nicely, thank you
d) Pretty darned okay
/2. How would you rate the president's handling of Hurricane Katrina?/
a) Masterful
b) Super
c) Four stars
d) Very, very good
/3. What is the biggest problem facing America today?/
a) People criticizing President Bush
b) Discrimination against shotgun enthusiasts
c) Sissies
d) The Jews
/4. How do you pronounce "America"?/
a) Murka
b) Other
/5. What is your first name?/
a) Elmer
b) Lucille
c) Other
/6. What is your preferred method of deflecting alien mind-control eams?/
a) An aluminum-foil hat
b) Replacing metal tooth fillings with composite
c) Rhythmic chanting while naked
d) Shooting into the air toward suspected mother ships
/7. What is your primary source of news?/
a) Cow behavior, caterpillar activity, tree-moss changes, etc.
b) What my common-law spouse heard at bingo
c) Homeland Security color-alert changes
d) The Bible
/8. How many cars does your family own?/
a) Three to five
b) Six to nine
c) Ten to 14
d) Fifteen or more
/9. Of those cars, how many are not on blocks in your yard?/
a) One
b) None
/10. If you were a Renaissance-era poem, what meter would you be in?/
a) Iambic pentameter
b) Anapestic hexameter
c) Trochaic septameter, with a single spondaic foot
d) Just kidding! Go on to the next question.
/11. What is your favorite sport?/
a) Huntin'
b) Fishin'
c) Rasslin'
d) Hot dog-eatin' contests
/12. What is your current field of employment?/
a) Hubcap brokerage
b) Scrap metal redemption
c) Driveway resurfacing and refrigerator repair and auto detailing and
septic tank servicing
d) License plate manufacturing at a correctional institution
/13. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?/
a) I'd like to be able to be weighed without the use of a forklift and
truck scales.
b) I'd like to own my own TV, instead of renting.
c) I'm okay with just the two teeth, but I'd like 'em to touch.
d) I'd like to be smart, like George W. Bush.
Take this poll. Don't worry, you can sign with an X.
By Gene Weingarten
Sunday, February 18, 2007; W40
According to a recent survey, 17 percent of the American public
"/strongly/" approves of the job George W. Bush is doing. Not just
approves, but strongly approves. I found those numbers interesting but
incomplete. Don't you want to know who those people are? What sorts of
lives do they lead? How they make their judgments?
I think we can safely presume that about one-tenth of 1 percent of these
people are plutocrats, al-Qaeda sleeper cell agents, Lockheed Martin
executives, vice presidents of the United States, etc. But what about
the rest? In the interests of fair and responsible journalism, and
without any preconceived biases, I have created a poll to scientifically
analyze this group of Americans. Please do not answer the questions
below unless you "strongly approve" of the job President Bush is doing.
/1. How do you think the war in Iraq is going?/
a) Splendidly
b) Very well, indeed
c) Quite nicely, thank you
d) Pretty darned okay
/2. How would you rate the president's handling of Hurricane Katrina?/
a) Masterful
b) Super
c) Four stars
d) Very, very good
/3. What is the biggest problem facing America today?/
a) People criticizing President Bush
b) Discrimination against shotgun enthusiasts
c) Sissies
d) The Jews
/4. How do you pronounce "America"?/
a) Murka
b) Other
/5. What is your first name?/
a) Elmer
b) Lucille
c) Other
/6. What is your preferred method of deflecting alien mind-control eams?/
a) An aluminum-foil hat
b) Replacing metal tooth fillings with composite
c) Rhythmic chanting while naked
d) Shooting into the air toward suspected mother ships
/7. What is your primary source of news?/
a) Cow behavior, caterpillar activity, tree-moss changes, etc.
b) What my common-law spouse heard at bingo
c) Homeland Security color-alert changes
d) The Bible
/8. How many cars does your family own?/
a) Three to five
b) Six to nine
c) Ten to 14
d) Fifteen or more
/9. Of those cars, how many are not on blocks in your yard?/
a) One
b) None
/10. If you were a Renaissance-era poem, what meter would you be in?/
a) Iambic pentameter
b) Anapestic hexameter
c) Trochaic septameter, with a single spondaic foot
d) Just kidding! Go on to the next question.
/11. What is your favorite sport?/
a) Huntin'
b) Fishin'
c) Rasslin'
d) Hot dog-eatin' contests
/12. What is your current field of employment?/
a) Hubcap brokerage
b) Scrap metal redemption
c) Driveway resurfacing and refrigerator repair and auto detailing and
septic tank servicing
d) License plate manufacturing at a correctional institution
/13. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?/
a) I'd like to be able to be weighed without the use of a forklift and
truck scales.
b) I'd like to own my own TV, instead of renting.
c) I'm okay with just the two teeth, but I'd like 'em to touch.
d) I'd like to be smart, like George W. Bush.