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parking at the motherload....

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 1:33 pm
by MattG
just wondering, is still "legal" to park at the top of the hill at the motherload? i was there this past weekend w/ a friend who has a 4-wheel drive vehicle so getting up/down easily wasn't an issue. the road got pretty chewed up recently w/ all the rain and snow melting and i'm not sure if my '91 honda accord would make it. i climbed with some kids from canada yesterday, and they said they parked their little car at the top and walked down. is this ok, or do you have to go all the way down?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 2:07 pm
by Gretchen
I have not heard otherwise.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:21 pm
by MattG
Thanks Gretchen.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:37 pm
by Guest
Just be sure to get the new parking permits at Miguels'.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:11 am
by Steve
Parking permits? Huh?
You can park at the top of the hill as long as you don't block the road, driveways, or any oil drilling equipment. Same goes throughout the southern region, try to park where you are not blocking the road or drilling equipment. As wet as its been lately there are probabbly a lot of soft, muddy stretches of road out there.