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Guns make you safer.
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:14 am
by Alan Evil
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:40 am
by JB
alan evil doesn't think
he let's cartoons think for him
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:46 am
by lordjim_2001
for those who give a damn:
Idiot boyfriend left gun loaded, round in chamber, out on something in the bedroom (nightstand?). If the toddler did accidentially shot himself I hope the boyfriend gets brought up on negligent homicide charges.
Either way, prayers going out to the mother and family of the little one for their loss.
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:29 am
by gunslnga
Just like with all the other cartoons, news headlines, and personal accounts from Alan, I grieve and pray for the family of the victims. Just like all the other times, I will add that the culprit/dumbass/thug who perpetrated these crimes should be punished to the full extent of the law, but legal, responsible, and safe gun owners should not pay the penalty by feel good,warm fuzzy legislation brought on by these type of incidents and Alans gun grabbing agendas. Anyone can spin headlines to fit they're agendas, Nambla is actually supporting Mark Foley and his Personal right to a private life with young boys, so why should Alan be any different. Again, my heart goes out to this family, and irreguardless of the findings, the boyfreind should rot in hell, mistake or not......
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:37 am
by JB
please don't interpret my post as me being a gun lover. i think this was an awful act and that we need stricter gun laws in this country... but i do not like labeling complex issues with black and white commentary.
alan = science always good, faith always evil, art always good, guns always evil, liberals always good, conservatives always evil... etc...
sad zealous simple and angry thinking like this is what is ruining us... on both sides of the argument.
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 2:17 pm
by gunslnga
JB wrote:please don't interpret my post as me being a gun lover. i think this was an awful act and that we need stricter gun laws in this country... but i do not like labeling complex issues with black and white commentary.
alan = science always good, faith always evil, art always good, guns always evil, liberals always good, conservatives always evil... etc...
sad zealous simple and angry thinking like this is what is ruining us... on both sides of the argument.
JB, I gree with you whole heartedly, its just that when discussing/arguing with Alan, he puts everything in a dualistic manner, mainly, him/you ---for/against---- he's right/your wrong, which makes it easier for me anyway.
I'm all for proper restrictions on who can buy a gun, just because you have a pulse, doesn't mean you should have a gun, but we don't need new laws, there are plenty for people to break/ignore now. Everytime some tragedy happens, feel good legislation ends in a new law that makes everybody feel better, but all it does is usually restrict law abiding citizens from what used to be a right to now a wrong. If you are willing to trade your rights for security thats your perogative, but don't try to take mine so you can feel secure. I personnaly think a governmental background check by the FBI is enough, but a nut case who has never broken the law can slip through, a waiting period has been tried, all it does is prevent honest john citizen from buying a fire arm, the so called angry husband/boyfreind, buying a gun to kill his wife/girlfreind, will just use a baseball bat if denied, do we restrict louisville sluggers??? Cars kill alot of people, do we outlaw them, no we just make sure your sixteen and have insurance, alcohol kills people, do we outlaw it, no we just lower the BAC to arrest you easier. I dont have the answer on this, but I know its not bans/laws/seizures........
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 2:33 pm
by JB
gunslnga wrote: I dont have the answer on this
exactly, and that's why we could have a conversation about it even though we may disagree. comments like alan's do not invite conversation or discourse... just anger.
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:17 pm
by Zspider
I would hate to lose the right to my hand guns. They are things of beauty. I love my guns.
Wife and I are down in Florida right now. Daughter is at home by herself out in the boondocks outside Bloomington. It soothes my soul to know that she's got her Model 60 loaded and waiting. I have been meaning to ask her what she's got in it. The 38s are respectable, but the 357s are awesome.
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 5:03 pm
by gunslnga
JB wrote:gunslnga wrote: I dont have the answer on this
exactly, and that's why we could have a conversation about it even though we may disagree. comments like alan's do not invite conversation or discourse... just anger.
JB, I'm always open for discussion, I prefer it, anger gets you no where, me and Alan climbed together before, I have no personal animosity towards him what so ever. I truly believe in the American way, even if someone elses version of it goes against mine, I think thats the civil in civilazation. I am often portrayed on here as hard right wing, not so, I have voted Dem in the past, as long as the Man/Women represents my beliefs/values I will vote my heart. I am agressive and not afraid to stand for what I believe, but if I'm wrong I will stand down just as quickly with humility. In the end, I am human, yeah we should trade dialogue sometime around Miguels or RRO.
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:16 pm
by Day
FBI Statistics:
Violent crime hit an all time high in the US in 1991.
Since that time there have been approximately 4.5 million new guns sold annually.
That's roughly 67.5 million new guns in "circulation" between 1991 and 2005.
Since '91 violent crime dropped every year to a new all time low in 2004, up1% in '05.
Some people just don't like guns, no matter how many lives they save.