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donation for bolts

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:22 pm
by robert birchell
How much does it cost to place a bolt? an anchor?..including hangers,chains
batteries etc.
I will be making a $ contribution and this info will help in deciding
how much one should give.
Maybe the cost of one bolt times the number of bolts on your favorite route???
A non local

Re: donation for bolts

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:27 pm
by Paul3eb
robert birchell wrote:A non local
maybe true but you're doing damn well at helping out! thanks sir for setting the example that all, locals and non-locals, should follow ;)

get a hold of rockman, wes, bob, the lurkist, pigsteak, or rro for some good insight on this.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:29 pm
by charlie

Re: donation for bolts

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:08 pm
by redpointron
robert birchell wrote:How much does it cost to place a bolt? an anchor?..including hangers,chains
batteries etc.
I will be making a $ contribution and this info will help in deciding
how much one should give.
Maybe the cost of one bolt times the number of bolts on your favorite route???
A non local
p.m. goodguy.

he just got a shipment of fixe stuff.

i think he gets a pretty good deal and ALWAYS passes on the savings to those doing work equipping new routes or fixing those that need it...



Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:12 pm
by RRO
Hanger - best price with shipping is about 1.10 but up to 2.00
Bolt- around 2.50-4.50 depends on who/what/where/size and so on
Quicklinks - around 2.00-3.50 same as above
Chain- by the foot expect to pay around 1/foot
Drill Bit - 8.00-16.00 size dependent
Drill- say 500.00
Time, Sweat, Blood and not climbing- who the hell knows :)

anything helps. i plan on rebolting all the routes with porter hangers this fall. i just ordered 250 hangers for that project, other routes that need anchors/hangers and new routes in the southern region. bolts are on order as well. many thanks to those that help the people that help the community !

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:22 pm
by RRO
i also forgot the hammer, wrench, blow tube, hole brush, carry sack and all the fixed gear and ropes............

terry, tim, hugh, old members of team suck, johnny and many others have been involved with bolt replacement for years and i cant begin and wont try to list the development side. this is nothing new and something that has to be carried on. the few people out bolting and fixing in all areas of the gorge are glad to do it and to be truthfull are addicts for it but they could also use a beer and a little help with out of pocket costs. and if you see some of the old school developers and fixers buy them a beer and tell em thanks.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:36 pm
by RRO
$105 in the donation bucket at the shop. THANKS EVERYONE !

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:41 pm
by redpointron
RRO wrote:the few people out bolting and fixing in all areas of the gorge are glad to do it and to be truthfull are addicts for it but they could also use a beer and a little help with out of pocket costs. and if you see some of the old school developers and fixers buy them a beer and tell em thanks.
pot meet kettle :wink:

r.r.o. likes bass


Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:04 pm
by goodguy
So I just got attacked for not having chains on a route at the Solar Collector. I gotta say it feels as if people just want to bitch and moan rather than ask why or offer help. Maybe we should all stop for a couple of seasons and see if any help comes crawling out of the woodwork.


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:34 am
by robert birchell
Mr. Goodguy do not give up. All others do not be a "show up only" climber.
A "show up only climber" is one that shows up and climbs only. They do not
find cliffs, put up routes, pick up garbage, build trails, donate cash etc.
Yes, they do bad mouth others.
What a gem the Red is. Let's all take care of it!