Lookin good Mr. Steak, our family colors are black and yellow with a touch of white.
The Acorn is our family Crest, the oak tree grows strong and stays in one place a long long time, hence our last name reflects this in its rough translation.
Brooks, O'Brooks, and Brookes, all mean "people who are tough and stay together" Anyway laddy your kilt fits you well
I had this scottish friend who told me that it's crazy how kilts were worn on such a damn windy island. Apparently they still wear kilts for dress. So during prom, all of the young laddies picked up their dates in kilts..and spent all evening trying to hide their goodies while walking to the car. Nothing like a group of embarassed teenaged boys in kilts. LOL.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.