Catch y'all later.
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:33 pm
Well, with just a little extra time beyond our estimated start we are outta here!
See some of you on the way, see some of you in 9 months.
Can't leave though with out saying thanks to everyone who has made this adventure possible.
And not intending to leave anyone out, but to just give the shout out to a few:
Wes, for hosting our website (http:\\ --stay tuned for updates, but as a warning, it's blank at the moment.
Dave Jr. for a last minute save-our-sorry-butts by hauling away our stuff.
The Tacketts, well, you know what you're thanked, knowledge, inspiration...lots of other good stuff.
Paul, for introducing me to a great job and helping me get my feet wet. Oh, and for helping move the heavy stuff.
Karen and Kipp, thanking you ahead of time for seeing you at'll be awesome.
Bob--the skills list goes on and on as does the soul list, but in short, thanks for keeping all of Ryan's fingers intact.
And Ryan, you talked us into it, and look what's about to happen.
Thank you.
I know I'm leaving some out. I'm sorry. But you know who you are, and I hope you know what you mean to us, thanks.
See some of you on the way, see some of you in 9 months.
Can't leave though with out saying thanks to everyone who has made this adventure possible.
And not intending to leave anyone out, but to just give the shout out to a few:
Wes, for hosting our website (http:\\ --stay tuned for updates, but as a warning, it's blank at the moment.
Dave Jr. for a last minute save-our-sorry-butts by hauling away our stuff.
The Tacketts, well, you know what you're thanked, knowledge, inspiration...lots of other good stuff.
Paul, for introducing me to a great job and helping me get my feet wet. Oh, and for helping move the heavy stuff.
Karen and Kipp, thanking you ahead of time for seeing you at'll be awesome.
Bob--the skills list goes on and on as does the soul list, but in short, thanks for keeping all of Ryan's fingers intact.
And Ryan, you talked us into it, and look what's about to happen.
Thank you.
I know I'm leaving some out. I'm sorry. But you know who you are, and I hope you know what you mean to us, thanks.