carpooling to Terry's funeral and Sky Bridge

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carpooling to Terry's funeral and Sky Bridge

Post by downclimb »

Hey ya'll,

I'd like to follow up Pigsteak's posting and suggest that we go ahead and make some carpooling arrangements. I know there are a lot of us who want to be at the funeral in Mt. Vernon and then go onto Sky Bridge. I also know there are some who want to go directly to Sky Bridge. It seems silly to drive down separately. I think the parking lot near and around the Cracker Barrel off Winchester Rd. at the I64/I75 intersection can absorb a lot of cars.

With the funeral at 1:00, I'd say meet at 11:00 for Mt. Vernon. For Sky Bridge, perhaps 2:00 would get people there in time and we could call when the caravan leaves Mt. Vernon.

Anyway, perhaps we could use this thread to pinpoint a time go from there.

"Love your enemies, it really confuses them"