Double your dollar on next year's Payment!
Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 9:30 pm
Looked like this deserved a BUMP!
To kick-off the fundraising efforts for the 2007 PMRP mortgage payment, RRGCC President, Dr. Bob Matheny, has offered a dollar-for-dollar matching challenge up to $5,000 for any PMRP contributions received by the RRGCC until June 15, 2006. This match will include money raised at the upcoming RRGCC 2006 Red River Rendezvous (See: except for the event registration fees. That means any raffle ticket sales in addition to the registration, money raised from clinics, and money raised from gear sales @ Miguel's will be included in this matching challenge. The goal in this challenge is to have at least $10,000, including the challenge money, set aside by June 15, 2006 for the 2007 PMRP mortgage payment!