Hey, I've been wanting to get on this for a while.
http://www.redriverclimbing.com/RRCGuid ... hp?id=1137
I managed to find a little info with a search, but things still seem a bit fuzzy.
One comment said that a 70m rope was a lot better than a 60m rope. Can you clean and rap/lower off the anchors with a single 60m rope?
Is this a good route to use to introduce someone to multi-pitch sport? Am I right in assuming that you can't rap from the top anchors down to the ledge/lower anchors becuase of the overhang?
"Heard it on NPR" strategy
"Heard it on NPR" strategy
Bacon is meat candy.
This probably is a good training route for multi-pitch. The first set of anchors are bomber and on a big ledge. You can climb, anchor and belay a second easily from NPR and the two climbs to the right of it.
When I got on this my second rapped from the second anchor to the first anchor where I was tied off. We then rapped to the ground. One rope and one rap might work, we didn't try it.
When I got on this my second rapped from the second anchor to the first anchor where I was tied off. We then rapped to the ground. One rope and one rap might work, we didn't try it.