Access Fund Membership Special
Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:02 am
In the Access Fund’s continual effort to support the work of the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition, the Access Fund has created a new membership program that directly benefits your local needs. As you may be aware the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition is an Access Fund Affiliate. The goal of this relationship is to strengthen the climbing community and the collective voice of climbers across the United States. Through the end of April, a portion of every climber’s Access Fund membership contribution associated with the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition will be given directly to the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition.
How it works:
Visit before the end of April.
Choose whether you are a renewing or new member.
Select the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition in the drop-down menu.
Current Access Fund members can renew their membership or contribute an additional donation.
For climbers new to the Access Fund, the Access Fund is offering a special introductory rate of $10.00 only available at through the end of April.
The Access Fund will automatically designate a portion of your membership dollars to support the work of the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition.
On behalf of the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition, the Access Fund, and the entire climbing community, thank you for making a difference in keeping climbing areas open and conserving the climbing environment on the national, regional, and local level.
How it works:
Visit before the end of April.
Choose whether you are a renewing or new member.
Select the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition in the drop-down menu.
Current Access Fund members can renew their membership or contribute an additional donation.
For climbers new to the Access Fund, the Access Fund is offering a special introductory rate of $10.00 only available at through the end of April.
The Access Fund will automatically designate a portion of your membership dollars to support the work of the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition.
On behalf of the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition, the Access Fund, and the entire climbing community, thank you for making a difference in keeping climbing areas open and conserving the climbing environment on the national, regional, and local level.