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Access Fund Membership Special

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:02 am
by captain static
In the Access Fund’s continual effort to support the work of the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition, the Access Fund has created a new membership program that directly benefits your local needs. As you may be aware the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition is an Access Fund Affiliate. The goal of this relationship is to strengthen the climbing community and the collective voice of climbers across the United States. Through the end of April, a portion of every climber’s Access Fund membership contribution associated with the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition will be given directly to the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition.

How it works:

Visit before the end of April.

Choose whether you are a renewing or new member.

Select the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition in the drop-down menu.

Current Access Fund members can renew their membership or contribute an additional donation.

For climbers new to the Access Fund, the Access Fund is offering a special introductory rate of $10.00 only available at through the end of April.

The Access Fund will automatically designate a portion of your membership dollars to support the work of the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition.

On behalf of the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition, the Access Fund, and the entire climbing community, thank you for making a difference in keeping climbing areas open and conserving the climbing environment on the national, regional, and local level.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:38 pm
by Cliff Heindel
I hope its just a sign of the times and not a personality profile, but I've become very wary of executives extolling the virtues of giving my money to munificiant causes. I know this will provoke
strong opinions, but the further from local control 'community' efforts get the less accountable the results become. And, for the record, I know the Access Fund is supported by what I regard as the most reputable and conscientious companies in this country (since I can't list them all I'll leave it at that) And, if the RRGCC is able to establish effective communication with its present members then I may change my mind and support this larger network. I'm going to my cave now.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:47 am
by captain static
FYI, the relationship between the two organizations has a considerable history. Thanks to the Access Fund the following grants have been awarded to the benefit of the Red River Gorge climbing community:

• In 2005 the Access Fund awarded $3,000.00 to the University of Kentucky Research Foundation to conduct a research project to test the effects of intentional site burial using geo-textiles on cultural resources found in two rock shelters in Red River Gorge. The results of this study will provide needed information on whether previously closed areas can be opened up to some types of recreational use following placement of geo-synthetic material.

• In 2003 a 7,500 grant was made by the Access Fund to the RRGCC towards the initial purchase monies needed for the PMRP acquisition.

• In 2000 the Access Fund provided a $10,000.00 grant to the RRGCC to conduct a phase II archaeologic excavation at the Military Wall climbing area in Red River Gorge. This grant was instrumental in providing the funds necessary to prevent the "Thirsting Skull" area of Military Wall from being permanently closed.

• In 1999 the Access Fund granted over $5,000.00 to the RRGCC for installation of a new, much more environmentally sound, access trail to Pebble Beach.

• In 1998 the Access Fund granted over $8,000.00 to the RRGCC for the construction of two new bridges and installation of new trails to Military Wall and Left Flank.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:40 am
by pigsteak
no doubt. the access fund has been there for us more than most appreciate of realize. and for your part Cliff, your volunter hours and effort will allways be welcome on the local level to improve the situations we face.