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Access Fund Newsletter

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 9:16 pm
by Jeff
Copied and pasted from AF newsletter:

It is a sunny Saturday afternoon, late September. The parking lot in Eldorado Canyon is full-overflowing, actually. Parties are queued up for the trade routes-the Bastille Crack, the Yellow Spur, the Naked Edge. Even Eldorado's more obscure lines are occupied.

"Who are all these people," you grumble to yourself, temporarily forgetting that there was a time when rock climbing was as foreign to you as a Turkish road sign. Hold on a minute, take a step back. Yes, there are more climbers now than ever before, but you went to kindergarten-you know how to share. There's enough rock to go around-if you take action to protect it.

To keep a climbing area open, to protect climbing resources for this and future generations, you must make your voice heard. Tell the powers-that-be how you feel about their plan for the land-and rock-in your backyard. Complaining to your buddies over beers doesn't count! Write your legislator, contact your local climbing organization, call the Access Fund. You are empowered to create change.
Landowners and managers are unlikely to conserve an area's climbing environment unless they know that people care about climbing there. Write them, call them, email them, hell-create a power point presentation. You have a voice-use it.
The Access Fund recently issued two Action Alerts, notices to climbers of closure threats in their areas. (For more information on these, please log onto By sending these alerts, we are not attempting to overflow your email in-box, nor are we trying to preach our policy on a virtual soapbox. Our goal is to encourage you to take action.

To assist you, the Access Fund has created an "Activist's Toolbox," offering tips for writing effective letters to land managers, legislators, and elected officials:
Remember, silence is consent!