Just wondering if anyone is going to be clippin' bolts at some of the warmer destinations on Friday. Torrent, GMC/Buckeye, Solar, Chodeside, SBR.... If so, and you wouldn't mind me taggin along, drop me a line or give me a call. If not, I can always use the sleep. Cabin fever sux though.
...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
Sik, Scobro and I are heading out if you want to join us. not sure where we are going. Id def. like to go back to the Lode and get back ojn Buff and try Stain. Shoot me a PM or call me 8592299851.
Who Me? I gotta hitch hike god damn 18 miles to get a god damn beer......that's bullshit.
Well, since Christmas and Christmas Eve are on Saturday and Sunday, we get Friday and Monday off. So is your new boss Eboneezer Scrooge and expect you to work on those days? That would suck ass.
...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
Jamen is such a climbing slut! He promised it would be only him and me. Jamen, I think it's time you finally take that retirement from climbing that you keep promising all of us.