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Open Invitation

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:52 pm
by Don McGlone
I have a wall built in my garage and am sending out an invitation to anyone interested in training this winter. I'm located in Grayson, KY, about 30 minutes east of Morehead right off of I-64. I'm in process of insulating - the ceiling is fully insulated - but it is plenty warm enough to climb in t-shirts once you warm up. Plenty of holds. Will be installing 2 roof panels within the next week or so. All you need to bring are your shoes, chalkbag, tunes and whatever motivates you. Wednesdays are always on right now, but Mon-Thurs will work - just let me know ahead of time. I will try to post some new pics soon. PM me if interested and/or need directions.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:55 pm
by meetVA
That's awesome Don!
Now, could you please just move the whole thing to Lexington?

Thanks! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:19 pm
by charlie
Don't do it! DO NOT trust this man! I mean, his girl is cool but I know for a fact the Corpse is registered on 3 watch lists.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:44 pm
by Don McGlone
Hell, I'll even come and pick you up... ... ic_id=1939

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:22 pm
by Namaste
Hey Don- do you know a girl named Rachel? She was telling of this guy near Morehead that has a climbing gym in his garage and said it was pretty cool- if this isn't you, then how ironic!

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:08 am
by merrick
the wall is really good. i can vouch for that. and hey with the weather bad a road trip to don's wall might be super awesome!!!!