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Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 3:44 am
by Gretchen
Bryan and I were driving to just outside of Pittsburgh on Friday night to visit with my sister. We left around 4PM and reached Zanesvill,OH around 7:00PM{throw in dinner stop!}. When we got to Zanesville it REALLY started to snow. The snow was really ripping around on road but it didn ot seem to be accumulating alot on the roads. We past Zanesville and it really got to be a huge visibility issue. THe snow was being whipped around by the wind. So I switched into 4wheel drive to be safer. So we traveled along for about twenty minutes or so & it seemed that the roads were clearing up a bit so I popped out of 4wd. BIG MISTAKE!!! Literally 3 seconds later the truck started to slide. Next thing we know the truck is literally sucked into the median, we then hit a drainage ditch that literally threw the truck into a roll. We rolled over at LEAST THREE TIMES and landed on the sided of the passenger side on the west bound side of I70{we were heading East!}

That is THE most incredible feeling to toss around like that! It is so hard to put into words! The WORST part was that the dogs, Raven & Hunter, were riding in the bed of the truck. We are not sure exactly what happened but the dogs were able to get out of the truck, unharmed {Only Hunter sustained a small scratch under his eye}. When the truck settled on it's side, Bryan and I assessed our own damage, NONE!!! I have a tear in one knuckle that may require stitches and outside of the minor abraisons from the glass, we are FINE!!! Thank God! Fortunately some truck drivers witnessed the whole event, pulled over, called it in then ran to our assistance. I literally was hanging by my sseat belt and Bryan was laying on the ground side of things. The truckers ran up to the truck yelling for us t o see if we were alert and we were. So for the grace of God the driver door actually functioned! One of the truckers held the door open while I unfastened my seatbelt and literally climbed out of the truck. Never thought I would use my axl as a step before! Then Bryan was able to get out. Once free of the truck I ran to the back to check on the dogs and found that they were already gone. Can you imagine what wentthrough my mind? I thought that the truck was laying on them!! Not until the wrecker came did I finally realize that they were at least safe from the truck.

As we waited with the truckers for the rescue squad to show up, we were on the top mound of the median {which moments earlier we rolled down} the truckers were busy collecting all of our personal effects that came out of the truck. HAVE I MENTIONED THAT I LOVE TRUCKERS??? I DO!!! Fortunately we recovered everything that was tossed out of the windows that shattered! THe front windshield did it's thing and spidered and actually pulled away from the frame work of the windsheild. Both the driver & passenger windows blew out completely. We are still picking out glass from our heads! The driver side really took the brunt of the impact. If it were not for the internal roll bar, I firmly believe that I woud not be typing this right now!

Once the rescue squad showed up I finally realized that I ripped a big hematoma on my middle nuckle on my hand and was bleeding everywhere! So much for the new coat Bryan got me for Christmas! Sorry Bryan!!!!! So while Bry & I were in the ambulance getting attention to our minr bumps, TWO firetrucks showed up and the fireman set out to look for the dogs. Finally the Statie showed up to the scene & took control. NO dogs so far! Since we didn't die the ambulance took off as well as the fire trucks. So then we spent some quality time in the police cruiser. Of course I got a :"Failure to Control" ticket {kiss my ass it was freakin shit out} and a lecture from the Statie. The tow truck showed up to upright my truck & haul it away. STILL NO DOGS!

THe kind truckers lent me a cell phone to call my sister so she made it to the scene just as the tow truck was about to haul my wreck out. Time could not have been better. Once Heidi & her boyfriend Mike showed up we drove to the east bound lane in search of Raven & Hunter. TWO hours later, NO FREAKIN LUCK. Bryan's & my nerves were absolutely shot to hell at that point & it was almost midnight. SO we headed to her house to sleep.

We got up relatively early this morning, got our shit together, call the insurance company and shit. So my mother, my sister, mike, Bry & I head out to find the dogs. We were graced with awesome weather today! The end result was that Bryan found them at an abandoned home that is for sale! YOu can not believe the relief that I feel that my dogs were found! They are my children and we are so lucky that theere are no major injuries to report! Afer we found the dogs we went to the towing co.'s place to take pictures of the truck. That put a whole new spin on how lucky we are to be alive! Once I get the pic developed,. I'll scan & share. The roof of the truck was so close to our heads that it is easy to understand how bad it could have been for us!

Thank God we are alive! And Thank God Hunter & Raven are alive as well and home with us! They have not left our sides yet!

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 3:52 am
by Legion
Scarey!!!!!! I'm really glad to hear that all of you came through it okay!!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 3:57 am
by Jeff
Damn Gretchen! I'm glad you are all ok.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 4:03 am
by Guest
Gretchen, I'm so relieved that you and Bryan and the dogs are ALL okay. Wow what an awful experience, but what incredible good fortune that you all came through it so well.

You all need some serious time to relax after that.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 4:15 am
by dipsi
So thankful you and B and the poochies are okay, Girly Girl! So sorry you had to endure that! Take care. dip

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 4:23 am
by overhung
Man that is so scary. Glad you're ok. My wife, strangely enough was in Zanesville for a meeting on Firday too. She stayed a little ahead of the snow all the way home.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 4:39 am
by Gretchen
Well needless to say I am on my second bottle of wine tonight trying to unwind! Thanks you soo much! That's why I love the climbing community SO MUCH!! "Cause YOU guys Rock!

The thing that I forgot to ass is, Michelle, the your cap did not sustain one freakin scratch!!!! The rollBAR & FRONT end took the brunt of the roll & that's why the dogs were safe! Between the cap & the 6" foam pad they were riding on, my babies survived!!!!!

But the truck is definitely totalled! I can't imagine any insurance co. trying to recover this vehicle! I just hope I can get a rental car tomorrow to get back fome! I seriously will down load the pics. THe front end is, pardon my french, fucked!

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 4:44 am
by Gretchen
PS Did I mention that my speeling goes to hell after a bottle & a half of wine? Well it does.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 4:55 am
by chester
Thank goodness you are ok. It shook me up just reading about it.
I'm glad you found your dogs...did you even sleep that night with them gone?
It's funny I was thinking about dogs and trauma today. My conclusion is this...dogs are so good spirited...they are there for you when you hurt, and they know you hurt and they feel it with you. But trauma, thats another story...I know when LuckyDuck was hit by a car, he just kept running and running...thank goodness for Shannon, or we would have never caught him.
It seems like your dogs did the same thing. There hearts are too tender to handle the trauma, so they run...hoping you will find them when you are safe.
I'm glad you, Bryan and the kids are safe in your warm home tonight...

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 6:17 am
by lucamaniac
It's good to hear that you folks are okay. I've totalled a car before and I realize how startling it can be. I've also been on-scene at some major accidents where the patients weren't as fortunate as you. It really makes you appreciate the time you have. Hope you all feel better and don't let this truamatize you too bad.