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Route at Volunteer Wall

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:23 am
Anyone know anything about the first bolted line about 150 feet right of Swap Meet at Volunteer Wall? It has two pitches. The first pitch felt about 5.11ish with some cool fingerlocks. Didn't do the second pitch but it looked sweet.

I'd like to get a name for it if there is one for the online guide. Also, there was a cool looking line just right of it.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 3:18 am
by Meadows
Yeah, I know that line. :D Joe Leismer did the FA and the first pitch is 11c. he's supposed to email me tomorrow with some info that I was missing.

If this is the route, it's called "Stephanie's Cabaret" (named after the gentleman's club in Lex).

BTW, the 2nd pitch hasn't been done yet and Blake thinks maybe it's a 12b. I pulled off the one good hold on the bulge that starts the 2nd route. Sorry.