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Greg Smith deceased
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:31 pm
by Don McGlone
Sad news for one of the pioneers of the Red:
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:38 pm
Greg Smith lines at the Red:
Orangutan 5.8+ * Pinch-em Tight Ridge 1981
Synchronicity 5.11b *** Roadside Crag 1987
Pulling Pockets 5.10d *** (S) Roadside Crag 1987
True Grit 5.9 ** Chimney Top 1983
Harder Than Your Husband 5.11b ** Roadside Crag 1984
Fatal Vision 5.10c R ** Buzzard Ridge 1985
Roadside Attraction 5.7 *** Roadside Crag 1984
Blood, Sweat and Fear 5.10b * Buzzard Ridge 1984
Kool Aid 5.11b ** Jewel Pinnacle 1985
The Corner 5.9+ Tower Rock 1979
Which Way Is Up 5.10d R * Middle Small Wall 1984
Shower of Power 5.10a R ** Tower Rock 1985
Lactic Acid 5.9 * Middle Small Wall 1983
Ravin' Maniac 5.9+ R * (M) Raven Rock 1984
Invisible Barrier 5.11b X ** Bee Branch Rock 1985
Whimpering Insanity 5.11a X ** Tower Rock 1985
No Brain, No Pain 5.10c X * (B) Tower Rock 1985
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:41 pm
by One-Fall
This has been an incredibly tough year for the Red. Every now and again it hits me about the people I will never pass again while at the cliff line.
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:04 pm
by the lurkist
I never met him, but heard the stories. How he brought his Mom and Dad up to Roadside and solo'd Synchronicity, up and down while they watched. He did the FA of Koolaid-less after Martin Hackworth did the first aid ascent.
He set a record for the longest string of burglaries by climbing up drain pipes of medical offices and coming in through the roof and letting in his accomplices. Then he moved out to the Reno? area. I had heard that he was a world record paragliding champion.
So passes yet another climber of the Red from a previous generation.
Johnny knew him. I think Grant Stevens knew him. Did Larry Day know him?
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:34 pm
by gulliver
He was in the gorge just 3 summers ago as a sort of homecoming. It was so cool hearing his former climbing buddies,each at the top of this list in their own right, go on about his abilities. He seemed to like sick stuff too, whether it was putting up an X at seneca or the gorge, or alpine mixed stuff in Europe. It was so nice climbing with him.
I had the camera that day and the shots we took at Miguels would've been so neat, but I lost the roll. Apologies to the rest of you too.
Not to detract from Greg, but another of the old group passed on last fall and I don't think he was mentioned, Mark Meinze.
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:49 pm
by gulliver
I just hit the r climbing dot com story,Is there an official link or posting of this? Greg Smith has to be a common name. I thought he was in Idaho?
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:10 pm
by Crankmas
I met Greg in passing several times, he was very disarming and a warm personality, I hope the best for those affected by his passing.
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:39 am
by L K Day
I never knew Greg, except by reputation. We met briefly, once, in Colorado. Just a handshake and a hello. I really wish I'd gotten to climb with him in the 80's when he and Hackworth were tearing through the Red River Gorge. He may well have been the most gifted climber to ever come out of the Red.
To those who knew him, and loved him, and who will miss him always, my sympathies.
Greg Smith
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:54 am
by sweetwine
Why did Greg die?
How else could ZEN get from Greg's hometown to the Vatican?
If only Greg hadn't married that black horse back in 1988...but it did help him to become a "success" economically...
Watch and Listen to this music video ... lx02x03x05
and Read between the Lyons (
Greg was my spiritual guide and forever faithful friend, a true Saint for the 3rd Millennium.
PLEASE SEE the Haiku Route Memorial for Greg Smith ... greg+smith
and please post your poetry photos there.
Sherri McFerran (Russo)