The temporary parking area off Muir property at the end of the road is now permanently closed. The owner, who kindly allowed us to use her area for overflow parking in the past, is now building a home there.
From now on, all visitors are to park in the main Muir parking lot. Please park all the way up to the curbs and reasonably close together so that full three rows can be filled.
For those heading to walls in the north end of the valley (Tantroft, Great Wall, Solarium, etc., there is a short cut available. Follow the lane at the west end of the parking lot that goes to the left just as you are entering the lot. This is a private drive (to a vacation home Liz and I are building), but you are welcome to use it. Watch for the stone steps and sign to the left and follow that path to the old logging trail down to the valley. Pedestrain traffic only. Please do not drive down the lane, as there is no turn around and no parking available.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Changes in Muir Parking
Changes in Muir Parking
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau