Injury at Muir

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Injury at Muir

Post by weber »

A couple hours ago (8/13 10 AM) a young woman fell just short of the first bolt of Plate Tectonics. Although she was spotted, she injured her left leg -- possibly broken - and sprained her right ankle. Fortunately, Karla, Jared, Mike Susko and I were across the hollow on First Fall. Her partners called over to us for assistance taking her out of the Valley.

Even more fortunate, the construction on the 2-mile emergency/maintenance road down along the valley floor wasfinished just a couple days ago. Mike had his SUV parked at the entrance to the Tantroft Hollow. So, it was fairly easy to get this injured climber to the vehicle and out of the Valley to a medical facility.

This was our first emergency use of this road, and due to the nature of our sport, it probably won't be the last. It was worth the expense of constructing it.

Here are a few important points for those climbing in Muir Valley to know. We had FRS radios on at the time of this accident tuned to 5.10. Most of the time, this channel and privacy code are monitored. Please bring a radio with you if possible when you climb here.

If you need to reach the area of an injured climber, you may use this emergency road. Please understand that it is ONLY for emergencies. It is closed to all other vehicle traffic. It can be accessed just south of the curve on KY 715 and about a half mile south of the Rogers School. There is a sign that reads: "Smokey Fork Bed and Breakfast" near the gravel road that leads down into the Valley. Be VERY careful and drive slowly on this road. Your left tires will be a foot away from a 100-foot sheer cliff. A two-wheel drive car can make it with skillful driving. A 4-wheel drive is strongly recommended.

If a climber is seriously injured, you can reach Wolfe County Emergency Services by calling 911 from the Muir parking lot, where cel reception is excellent. We are in the process of educating Wolfe Co. folks how to get down into the Valley. If the person injured has head, neck, or back injuries, immobilize them and DO NOT move them until professional help arrives.

We will post more specific instructions in the future.

Climb safely!

Rick Weber
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
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Post by longlegsrule »

I hope she's ok...thanks for caring for other climbers rick!!!
From Kentucky ;o)
Posts: 4217
Joined: Thu Sep 26, 2002 9:54 pm

Post by dipsi »

Thanks, Rick, Liz, and Team Muir. You rock!
What I love about running is you can meditate while running. It's a peaceful place.

Sister Mary Elizabeth Lloyd, Runs marathons to raise money and awareness about children orphaned by AIDS
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