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climbers wanted for gold coast/solar collector or darkside

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:14 pm
by automated
this sunday i will be looking for some strong folks to go to these gold coast, solar collector, and or darkside (i guess most of the good routes in these areas are 5.12 and up) who wouldn't mind having their pictures taken for an article about the red in urban climber magazine. pm me here, or email me at cheers.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:23 pm
by Horatio Felacio
isn't urban climber magazine more of a climber-fashion-what's-in-style magazine? you should pm SCIN and paul3eb for photo shoots. good luck man!

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:32 pm
by automated
i don't quite agree with that characterization of the magazine. it's just more oriented towards bouldering, sport climbing, and comps than the other mags. it also is aiming for a younger, less experienced crowd than r&i and climbing, though the spectrum of appeal is still intended to be wide. photo assaults and climbers you haven't already read twenty articles about (i.e. sharma, graham, huber, caldwell, etc.) are also aspects of the current ucmag philosophy.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:43 pm
by lordjim_2001
I'd be up for it but I can't even make the opening moves on a 12.

I'm still in the air about UC. I'm giving it a full year before I give my final judgement.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:50 pm
by automated
uc is so young and has so little cash flow that i don't blame people who have problems with it. i think each issue gets better and that that trend will continue. this next issue coming out marks our first year of existence--a big milestone for any start-up mag, as more than half of such projects fail in the first year. thanks for giving ucmag a chance.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:01 pm
by squeezindlemmon
Can you believe the schwag that comes with a subscription? Even if the mags weren't worth it, the freebies definitely are! Although, imo, I like what I've seen/read so far.... keep up the good work at ucmag. The new approach is definitely 'refreshing'.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:04 pm
by squeezindlemmon
oh and p.s., by schwag I meant the freebies (DVDs, shirt, brushes, wristbands, etc)... :oops:

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:16 pm
by automated
i thought you meant the sack of mary-jane that comes with every subscription? that would get people signing up, i bet.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:58 pm
by Ultra

There's not much good that can be said about climbing magazines. So let me point out a couple of things.

Reporters for climbing mags with do anything to get published. In example. Look at the last issue of Rock and Ice. Some fag/reporter named Jeff Jackson wrote an article about this bouldering area in Ohio.
One of the local people who was involved in the community and was working with land owners and the goverment entities of the state park to tryand keep things open. He went to this Jackson character and begged him not to publish the article. Jackson submitted it anyway. Justifying his actions with his own closed-minded reasoning. He even said as much'"I know more than you about crag closures!! Because I had a crag closed out from underneath of me!" He got his article published anyway. For all the trouble this Jackson/fag has caused. They didn't fire him, they promoted him to EDITOR

So this should let you know what climbing magazines think of sensitive areas and locals domains. They will stomp the last endangered salamander and spit in the face of the last local activist to sell their fuckin rag!!!

Since I don't believe in posing problems without posing solutions how about this.

Why don't you go talk to Rick Webber or one of the people who are resposible for Muir Valley. I am sure that they will take you around to some of the raddest NEW areas in the country. Literally hundreds of new routes. Unheard of walls. New crags going up every week. You should really check that out.
Coalbank hollow and its crags are in a sensitive area. There are still legal battles going on. If you are not part of the solution....yada,yada,yada...why don't you smarten up alittle bit and quit sounding like some sport fag spray lord...."are their any unclimbed 14's in the area because me and my crew are gonna come down to the RED and show you local fags how to climb." I tell you what. Go climb Nudgepapa at Military. Its only a 13.d If you or your crew can chuff their way up that then we'll see about taking you to a......REAL LIVE 14!!"

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:12 pm
by automated
heh. good one, ultra. you sound like a smart character and i'll be sure to take your expert advice! are you a member of fred phelps' organization?

by the by, the inquiry into hard projects was for a friend of mine who has climbed hard 14s all over the world. i am not so strong myself; i simply wanted to entice him to come out with a list challenging climbs he could look forward to.