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The Mayor
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:11 pm
by Spragwa
I've heard that some people are offended by Spencer's footage of the Mayor and other people in Eastern Kentucky. I disagree. So, I want to hear what people think.
My opinion is that the Mayor was a rich character who was a mainstay at the Red. THe footage of the Mayor was honest and interesting. I don't find it humiliating at all. The Mayor seemed to be enjoying himself. He wanted to be interviewed. I think that replacing your judgment for his is little better than making fun of him. It's like saying he's too stupid to decide for himself.
The footage of the guy at the beer trailer was cool. He'd of whipped Spencer's ass if Spence was poking fun. But that's my opinion.
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:25 pm
by chester
Coming from a family from Kentucky I would have to say no. He portrayed the people for who they were. Just like he portrayed the climbers. Nobody was acting. The Mayor or the Beer Trailer guy were being who they really are. You know what? I don't think there was a damn thing wrong with either one of them. I did not take pity on them, I was not embarrised for them. I grasped their personality and smiled. Just because they are different doesn't make them any less of a person. The people who were offended need to get off their high horses and realize that just because these people don't act like you doesn't mean we should hide them away.
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:56 pm
by charlie
Fuck the people that think they are better than anyone else. Very few people I've met over the years have life figured out and there ain't no owner's manual. Anyone that tells themselves they have the secrets to the way life should be lived are just wrapping themselves in delusions.
Speaking as a decently educated white male in a respectable tax bracket, I'd probably be more likely to enjoy a beer with the C&S guy or the mayor than the kind of fuckers who think they can't learn anything from those kind of people.
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:12 pm
by Meadows
I don't think that is the argument Chester - that they should be hidden away.
The questions he asked and the approach he took could be misconstrued as Spencer using this as comedy, and probably see Spencer as a goofball without depth in character. Maybe a couple of things could've been done differently, but I don't think Spencer intended to make the Mayor look like a fool lacking in intelligence.
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:17 pm
by ynot
I thought people falling off the slackline on thier heads in a giant puddle looked goofier.
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:55 pm
by KD
i like the use of locals in the film - it added a sense of genuiness to the red river gorge area. the local culture of eastern ky is rich and unique and is not replicated in other climbing areas. as a native kentiuckian, i don't find the locals or spencers use of then to be offensive, but, rather a cultural statement of a people that is unique and vanishing. spencer created a monument for the mayor in his film that will make people remember the mayor for a long time to come.
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:26 am
by Spragwa
I meant for the last option to be "No, the people on the video were just being themselves." But I thought I could have four options. Sorry everyone.
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:44 am
by Spragwa
Thanks moderators!!!!
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:56 am
by the lurkist
Victory humiliated Tucker for you, his audience. He did it to get a laugh, not b/c he was interested in Tucker's opinions. He should be ashamed.
His lack of empathy and cruel approach is shocking. I can not believe that some of the people I know in this community aren't bothered by this. There are adults here who have responsibilities to others and know the difference between kicking some one while they are down and being kind. Victory obviously does not understand the difference between the two.
The climbing community is not just a bunch of young guys who are stuck in their narcissistic phase. We don't check our empathy for our fellow man at the door when we go climbing.
This perpetuates the stereotype of the Appalachian as a simple inarticulate fool, and a drunkard to boot. This is a stereotype that the areas of Southeastern Ky have been trying to shake for decades.
So, we have a 22 year old punk who could not begin to understand or appreciate the societal ills and dynamic that have brought this poor man to his current state. The fact that Victory attemptes to excuse himself by dedicating this video to him is ingenuine at best, and at worst a conscious emotional manipulation to capitalize on the tragic death of Tucker. How timely for Victory that he died months before he released his video.
Do you think the local resident community of Slade would look favorably on this video knowing that the out of town narcissistic kids think they are all fools and hillbillies?
As KD said, the mayor will be remembered for a long time to come- as the fool in some kid's video made for his friends to laugh at. Was that the apex of the Mayor's life?
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 1:53 am
by Spragwa
Interesting that there are such divergent views. I know Spencer as a standup guy. Apparently the residents of Slade are fairly supportive of the video. So far, no one I've spoken to thinks they are fools and hillbillies.
I say these words about Spencer because he isn't on here to defend himself. He liked the Mayor and enjoyed talking to him. He did not humiliate the man for publicity or enjoyment. What he did was portray a very interesting personality. It's wrong for anyone to insinuate that he gets pleasure or satisfaction from the Mayor's death. Spencer did not exploit the man. I believe it was beautiful footage.