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Easy Access to Methusula

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:02 pm
by weber

A big thanks to JJ who put up a iron viaFerrata-type ladder in the Hideout area of Muir Valley for non-climbing hikers to use to gain access to the ledge where Methusula stands. This ladder replaced a knotted rope which was climbable only by experienced rock climbers.

Methusula is one of the few old growth Hemlocks still standing in a part of Kentucky that is logged more regularly than people mow their grass. It was never cut down because of its unique location in a mini box canyon up on a small plateau which would make it almost impossible to remove once cut.

If you are in the Hideout Area (between Boltergeist and Beware the Bear, climb the ladder and check out this magnificent old tree. Please tread lightly as the ground cover is fragile. You can get a good view from the top of the ladder without walking around it. Also, notice the deep narrow cave behind the tree from where cold air continually blows.

First pix is of Liz, Methusula, and Sierra Jones.
Second pix is of Liz making "FA" on JJ's 5.001 ladder. :wink: