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Looking for beta

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 12:44 am
by kirker
Heading to Seneca rocks in a couple of weeks for the firsts time. Having a bit of trouble finding a web site as helpful as this one at showing the local community and crags' in's and out's. Down to the wire on time. Please help.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 12:48 am
by Paul3eb
you tried out what exactly are you looking for?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 1:08 am
by kirker
Where to stay. Specific route info, and trails to those routes.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 1:19 am
by C'est Si Bon

This is the gear shop and guide service for Seneca. I was just there this weekend. It is called the Gendarme The guys there are great and will give you help you need. The front porch there is were everyone hangs out. Have an anchor bolt/free weekend!!! :wink:

P.S. Stay at the Seneca Shadows Campground.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 2:51 am
by chiza
the state run campground is very nice. located near seneca. seneca shadows as previously posted. Also, hit ye gods and little fishes, very fun!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 3:17 am
by J-Rock
"Ecstasy" is a nice warm up too! "Triple S" is another good one. So is "Soler Route", "Green Wall", "Pleasant Overhangs", "The Burn", "Sunshine", "Broken Neck", and "The Changeling". Ah... I could go on and on... I really miss that place. I think we will be spending some time there this summer...

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 3:22 am
by Caspian
Bring a helmet and put it on before you leave your car

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 2:54 pm
by captain static
Here is a nice moderate link up that will maximize your time on the rock and minimize your hike. It is also a nice intro to the area. Start on "Candy Corner" on the South End. Then scramble / hike around to the West Face and do "Le Gourmet Direct Start" to "Front C" and then finish off on "Critter Crack".

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 4:19 pm
by Sco Bro
Definitely wear a helmet. You can rent a helmet from the gear shop if you don't own your own brain bucket.

Make sure you summit at least once. Some of the routes don't go all the way to the top. It's a great view and it will blow you mind on just how thin that damn fin is . . . oh so sweet. An ultra classic is the gunsight or gun-notch, I forget the name; it's real exposed and only goes 5.4. I believe it's referred to as one of the most classic 5.4 routes in the U.S. Yep, it's 5.4 but your butt will clinch up so tight you won't crap for a week.

The pizza on the front porch is so, so, but you can buy a six pack in the store and drink it on the front porch while you look at the rock and recount how many boulders bounced off your helmet.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 5:36 pm
by J-Rock
captain static wrote:Here is a nice moderate link up that will maximize your time on the rock and minimize your hike. It is also a nice intro to the area. Start on "Candy Corner" on the South End. Then scramble / hike around to the West Face and do "Le Gourmet Direct Start" to "Front C" and then finish off on "Critter Crack".
Dude, we did that same link up a couple years ago and it was really cool. I definitely recommend "Gunsight to South Peak" too, it is one of my favorites.