"Exhaust the little moment
--for too soon it always dies.
May it be a moment of the Heavens, or one of the Earth
--it will never again come in the same guise."
Rhya, 2005
there was a torrential downpour of rain at torrent, most of the routes got soaked and everyones gear was drenched... not that bad i guess. My tendons feel ok so it sounds like i got off easy (knock on wood)
though it was too hot to climb so i went biking instead - got home looked in the mirror and had a wierd looking rash all over my neck and some on my arms - bright red and looked like chiggers on steriods or something. Took bunch of benedhryl and a long nap - it's mostly gone now.
It gets worse. Today I find out someone has been using my name and number to the tune of over 3 grand. Visa gaurantees the money back but it's been a mess of trouble and paperwork. All a thief needs is your no. expiration date and a cell phone to drain your account. This one eats from Larosas every night.
"Everyone should have a plan for the zombie apocolipse" Courtney
drove down to the red on friday only to have my car overheat. proceeded to drive to stanton by driving, overheating, stopping, waiting.. repeat about a dozen times. long story short. no climbing and just ended up back in lexington tired and annoyed
and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins