The Two Towers is evil!

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The Two Towers is evil!

Post by deleted username »

In my geekiest way, I am very much excited about The Two Towers movie. I saw a new ad tonite on TV during CSI and just did a quick search online to see how many reviews of the movie were popping up from the premiers and test screenings and such...

anyway, I came accross this and thought it was funny enough to share:
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Post by Yasmeen »

But... that's the name of the book... And I'm sure at the time of publication Tolkien wasn't intending on offending anyone. Some people take things way too far. This is similar to those religious extremists claiming that Harry Potter[/] is the devil.
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Post by merrick »

once again proving people are stupid. muy stupido!
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Post by SikMonkey »

My girlfriend and I bought our tickets last week.

...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
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Post by Gretchen »

That is the freakin stupist protest that I have ever heard. GET A LIFE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just genuinely disengenuous.

Post by Guest »

every day I'm more and more dismayed by the sheer numbers of idiots in this country. I dream of running off into what remains of our wild spaces and eschewing "civilization"
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Post by ynot »

Drive through any city and the sheer number of idiots in this country is obvious. Just think,the drivers test keeps the dumbest of the dumb off the road.
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Post by Yasmeen »

The driver's test only confirms that they weren't idiots at age 16. There's no proof that they didn't get stupider as time went on. Not to be cynical or anything.
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Post by overhung »

I can't believe that's for real.
I've had just about enough of this shit.
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Post by merrick »

uh, at least we drivers in the cities can function in heavy traffic and realize that the speed limits are actually all 10 miles to slow.

and it really depends on the city. the drivers in Boston are certifiable. totally nuts. the drivers in NYC are aggressive but pretty good. chicago is much more mellow but a little stupider.

personally i hate when you put your blinker on to signal that you are swithcing lanes and the person next to you speeds up so you don't get in front of them. but just proves that they are a$$holes not stupid.
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