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Dog to a good home

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:46 am
by Ascentionist
Ok, I've got this dog. He needs a new home. We can't keep him anymore, he gets out of the fence at least once a day and I am afraid he is going to get hit by a car or get into trouble. He's a beagle/lab mutt that answers to the name of Simon. Some of you on here know him. He's been a good crag dog, he's loyal, if a little stupid, and he still needs to be neutered. He really needs to live somewhere where he can run loose and not get into trouble. He'd be a good farm dog or a house dog. He just needs more attention than we can give him. He's probably between 30-40 pounds.

Anyone know of anyone that might be interested or that would be interested please send me a PM or email me at
