Ethics poleece
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:44 am
Does anyone know how possible it is to join the circus or a traveling carnival? I'm considering joining a carnival that travels around the country but I have some concerns.
a. Do you get your own bedroom?
b. What kind of hours do you work?
c. When being fed, do you get to go back for seconds or is it kind of like being in jail or elementary school where they limit your caloric intake?
d. Would they be cool with Michelle coming along and just hanging out while I do carnival stuff?
Also, I have another question for the hippies:
I'm trying to be very cool and down to "earth" by not watching TV. I've seen these "Kill your Television" bumper stickers and have since placed one on my bumper. Anyway, I'm wondering if it is okay to listen to radio shows. I mean, I can see how TV is "bad" because it forces me to make pictures AND voices in my head while I read a book. It's cool because while I'm reading I like to make all of the voices in my head sound like Kermit the Frog and all of the people (or characters) I like to make pictures in my head of people who I was friends with in High School. Anyway, where was I.....oh it okay if I listen to Radio Shows because this just makes me make pictures in my head but voices are already taken care of. I mean, I don't want to cross the boundaries of what's allowed with being a hippie and what's not. It seems there's a thin line with being a hippie and I don't want to screw it up because I want to travel with a carnival soon and want to be seen as acceptable.
Hope I haven't confused anyone. I have some more questions as well...
a. I understand that "organic" food is good to eat while I attempt to remain a hippie. Does this mean I can't wear deodrant? I've always been confused about why the laws allow me to drive a car, wear synthetic rubber climbing shoes, wear rubber condoms while I beat off, live in an asbestos siding get the picture. But I'm not allowed to wear deodrant? I mean, people are getting pissed off because I smell like shit.
b. Back to being organic. While I was in Mexico, I found that it was "cool" to buy tomatoes from the roadside stand "manned" by a peasant Mexican woman who lived in a grass hut and slept on a dirt floor. Even though these tomatoes weren't "organic", I found that my hippie cohorts said it was okay that I bought non-organic tomatoes from this woman. I'm having a hard time understanding why it was cool to buy non-organic from this woman and it's not cool to buy non-organic from Kroger? Would it be okay if Kroger was dressed up as a poor woman in Mexico selling tomatoes from a cart? I'm so confused. Please help me out.
c. I'm a dumb ass ethical trad climber. I refuse to climb sport routes because I know that I'll go out and get shut down by little boys fresh out of the gym. If I climb trad, especially at the Red, I can separate myself from the others by not clipping bolts and placing cams in the crack to protect myself in case of a fall. Well, what I'm wondeirng is, is it okay that I clip a bolt on a mixed route? The reason I ask is Joshua Tree is full of mixed routes that were put up by all of my Yosemite idols and sometimes the bolt is kind of close to a place where a cam may have been possible to place. I carried a ruler with me and measured some of the spots where those guys put a bolt in next to a kind of crack and it showed that up to a 1.233" shallow crack was acceptable to be cool with a bolt placement. Well, I've been trying to emulate some of my old school idols and during the process I placed a bolt next to a crack that was 1.234" deep. Does this mean that I can't call myself an anti-sport climbing "hardcore traditionalist" climber anymore? Please tell me it doesn't because that is what allows me to fall on a V4 and still feel like I've got some magic up my sleeve that the others don't have.
Oh dear ethics police, please help me out with these difficult life decisions.
a. Do you get your own bedroom?
b. What kind of hours do you work?
c. When being fed, do you get to go back for seconds or is it kind of like being in jail or elementary school where they limit your caloric intake?
d. Would they be cool with Michelle coming along and just hanging out while I do carnival stuff?
Also, I have another question for the hippies:
I'm trying to be very cool and down to "earth" by not watching TV. I've seen these "Kill your Television" bumper stickers and have since placed one on my bumper. Anyway, I'm wondering if it is okay to listen to radio shows. I mean, I can see how TV is "bad" because it forces me to make pictures AND voices in my head while I read a book. It's cool because while I'm reading I like to make all of the voices in my head sound like Kermit the Frog and all of the people (or characters) I like to make pictures in my head of people who I was friends with in High School. Anyway, where was I.....oh it okay if I listen to Radio Shows because this just makes me make pictures in my head but voices are already taken care of. I mean, I don't want to cross the boundaries of what's allowed with being a hippie and what's not. It seems there's a thin line with being a hippie and I don't want to screw it up because I want to travel with a carnival soon and want to be seen as acceptable.
Hope I haven't confused anyone. I have some more questions as well...
a. I understand that "organic" food is good to eat while I attempt to remain a hippie. Does this mean I can't wear deodrant? I've always been confused about why the laws allow me to drive a car, wear synthetic rubber climbing shoes, wear rubber condoms while I beat off, live in an asbestos siding get the picture. But I'm not allowed to wear deodrant? I mean, people are getting pissed off because I smell like shit.
b. Back to being organic. While I was in Mexico, I found that it was "cool" to buy tomatoes from the roadside stand "manned" by a peasant Mexican woman who lived in a grass hut and slept on a dirt floor. Even though these tomatoes weren't "organic", I found that my hippie cohorts said it was okay that I bought non-organic tomatoes from this woman. I'm having a hard time understanding why it was cool to buy non-organic from this woman and it's not cool to buy non-organic from Kroger? Would it be okay if Kroger was dressed up as a poor woman in Mexico selling tomatoes from a cart? I'm so confused. Please help me out.
c. I'm a dumb ass ethical trad climber. I refuse to climb sport routes because I know that I'll go out and get shut down by little boys fresh out of the gym. If I climb trad, especially at the Red, I can separate myself from the others by not clipping bolts and placing cams in the crack to protect myself in case of a fall. Well, what I'm wondeirng is, is it okay that I clip a bolt on a mixed route? The reason I ask is Joshua Tree is full of mixed routes that were put up by all of my Yosemite idols and sometimes the bolt is kind of close to a place where a cam may have been possible to place. I carried a ruler with me and measured some of the spots where those guys put a bolt in next to a kind of crack and it showed that up to a 1.233" shallow crack was acceptable to be cool with a bolt placement. Well, I've been trying to emulate some of my old school idols and during the process I placed a bolt next to a crack that was 1.234" deep. Does this mean that I can't call myself an anti-sport climbing "hardcore traditionalist" climber anymore? Please tell me it doesn't because that is what allows me to fall on a V4 and still feel like I've got some magic up my sleeve that the others don't have.
Oh dear ethics police, please help me out with these difficult life decisions.