The three remaining bison at Gladie were sold at auction on January 22, 2005 at Land Between the Lakes NRA. Don't know if they have been removed from the field yet. The FS cited public safety as the greateast concern for managing the bison. The flooding last year caused the bison to be displaced and "resulted in the animals roaming the roadways and on private property." "We know the buffalo have been an important part of Gladie Creek; however, we are concerned about the safety of the public, " said Acting District Ranger Lee Breth.
This from a press release that I saw yesterday dated 2-1-05...a sad turn of events for sure.
I see they are still lopping off mountains in Eastern Kentucky. Electricity isn't cheap.
Big deal. Just like looking at a few cows from the road. Bison are so much more impressive when you run into one on a trail in the middle of nowhere in Yellowstone. By yourself. Really close. Then they don't just look like shaggy cows.
Wes wrote: Bison are so much more impressive when you run into one on a trail in the middle of nowhere in Yellowstone. By yourself. Really close. Then they don't just look like shaggy cows.
They're even more impressive when they are riding a unicycle in a tutu, while balancing a beach ball on their nose. For you alone. By yourself. Really close.