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Does Miguel's serve food on Thanksgiving?
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:53 pm
by Scaife
Does Miguel's serve food on Thanksgiving or do we have to fend for ourselves? Someone told me he had turkey meat as a pizza topping last year, so I'm assuming he'll be open.
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:27 pm
by Meadows
Yes. I've eaten there the last two years on Thanksgiving day. Order the sweet potato on your pizza - it's awesome.
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:43 am
by busty
How about turkey and stuffing pizza toppings? Everyone would probably fall asleep and be unable to climb/belay.
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 3:38 am
by Yasmeen
Best pizza ever: mango, sweet potato, avocado, feta, black bean, and garlic.
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:23 pm
by GWG
Speaking of the best tasting pizza, you know what the most commonly ordered pizza is in England?
This is from a couple of Brits I work with on a regular basis.
One of Miguel's best tasting pizzas, IMO, is artichoke, black bean, garlic, spinach, and tomato.
Of course, I don't think I've ever had a bad pizza at his place.
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 4:41 pm
by The Pirate
Miguel's pie is the best...period...
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 7:45 pm
by Meadows
GWG, Yuck ... tunafish pizza.
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:13 pm
by Scaife
Thanks everyone!
Personally, my favorite is chicken, garlic, black bean, feta, broccoli, bacon, pepperoni, and cheese. Eat with both hands as tipping the pizza can be messy!