Muir Valley Cleanup

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Muir Valley Cleanup

Post by weber »

Liz here--Rick is out playing on the rocks, so he doesn't know I am signed on as him.

Thank you to all of you who were considering stopping by to help with the clean-up project at Muir this weekend. We got so much done Wednesday and Thursday that we decided to declare the rest of the weekend Play Days!!!

Thrash disposal in Wolfe Co. KY is normally very expensive. Perhaps that is why previous generations had decided to just dump it at Muir Valley. I discovered quite by accident last Friday that this week was declared Free Clean-up Week in Wolfe Co. Not only was there not a charge for taking trash to the Transfer Station, but the Country Road Dept would actually supply trucks to haul it. I got a dump truck assigned to Muir Valley Weds and Thurs.

Tim, Carol, and Eric Yates spent a long day of what was supposed to be a climbing vacation helping us. (Are they ones-in-a-million friends, or what?)

Rick and I worked in the rain Wednesday and all of us in the mud on Thurs. We dug out two large dump-truck loads, two pick-up loads and two trailer loads of trash from Kathy Holthouser's property (visible from and washing down into Muir.) Ever rappelled down with a bucket of broken beer bottles in one hand and a soggy muddy carpet slung over the other shoulder? Washing machines, sheet metal, lawn mowers, loads of beer and Ale 8 bottles, chairs, and enough car parts to create a couple of autos (some assembly required). Sounds like a real mess, but we had fun doing it, and oh what a difference it made!

And kudos to the Judge Commissioner who made it possible for us to get a truck, and those great guys in the Road Department who delivered the truck and took it to the Trash Transfer Station for us.

So the rest of the weekend is Play Time!! Come joins us for the climbs and keep your fingers crossed to good weather for the rest of the Yates' vacation. They deserve it!

We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau