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Lay Back, Odub

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:32 am
by Alan Evil

right click to save as or click to listen with broadband

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:34 pm
by 512OW
Haha...nice. I think I've heard most of those lyrics before.....hmmm, yeah, I have...

And what happened to the end of it?

I'm diggin the beat though. Nice work....

However, even though it doesn't warrant a response, I've got some left over agression from a particularly stressful conversation I was forced to witness. I'll just take it out on you... Bitch.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 4:58 pm
by Alan Evil
Yeah, it kind of cuts short. I could've looped it out longer but I really do have some other projects I've got to finish so I wrapped it where it stood.

You've only read the lyrics from the first verse, btw.

Heh heh, we're going to end up with a climbers' rap war album before this is over. :) Anyone else want to jump in the fray?

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:23 am
by rabbit
That was great Alan Evil!!! You definitely have one up on 512OW now! I could hear your words very clearly too. Great job!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:00 am
by Alan Evil
In the next chapter me and Odub end up fighting back to back against the evil ganglords (I save his lame ass, of course) and we grudgingly trust each other while trading campy insults (though I always win since his momma is such a fat, ugly skank) and kill kill kill our way all the way to the evil oil barron overlord who dies finally by being trapped by the gate he put up and being swarmed by insane killer robot beagle puppies. It's going to be awesome. Lot's of shots of Odub belaying me on lead and of Odub falling over and over with me catching him flawlessly and softly each time. And then in the end I'm layin' back in a hot tub with a bunch of hot climber chicks (as if there's such a thing as a non-hot climber chick) and Odub is bein' dragged away by the ear by his big, fat, ugly, skanky momma because he's gettin' married to this pasty, hollow-eyed, buck toothed, big nosed, wiry haired, pear shaped, smelly cousin since he got her pregnant. Closing shot will be of Odub dreaming he had time to boulder while his punk ass kids make his life hell. Box office hit, for sure.

Then sometime next year Odub gets shot outside our New York studio by a crack whore after he asks her for change for a five...

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:37 pm
by 512OW
You've got that way off. I'm definitely friends with the evil ganglords.

I've never dated a climber chick. There are only know of two that I would...

I've never dreamt, and never will dream, of bouldering.

I'll be back tonight, with my "look it took me less than 3 weeks to reply" retort...

Enjoy the rest of your final day.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:44 pm
by Alan Evil
You forget who the most evil of evil ganglords is, and I wouldn't say you're my... I mean his friend.

Dude, climber chicks are A) HOT and B) strong. You should try one sometime.

I guess you don't dream of bouldering yet because you know that it's your future, that is, right before you get fat sitting behind a desk at the driver education bureau trying to pay for your fat, retarded kids' braces and you couldn't do a chin up with the help of a blimp.

If I didn't have a real job or a life I could throw together some beats and lame raps every frew nights to insult some guy I don't know too. Y'know, you do hear a little bit of envy in my voice as I think back to when I didn't have a job or responsibilities... like when I was twelve!

And remember:
There are only know of two that I would.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 10:49 pm
by rabbit
BING! That's two up for Alan!

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:28 pm
by 512OW
Since I work 70 hours a week, take care of a 7 year old girl, pay more bills in a month than you could afford in a year, and STILL find time to climb on the weekends AND work on 3 albums at once......

Well, you're just outta touch with reality.

I can climb harder off the couch than you could with 10 years constant training.

Keep this in mind....yes, climber chicks are hot and strong....but they're climbers. Mixing parts of your life can lead to trouble, as you might know since I read something on your website about a woman screwing your whole life up, killing your inspiration, blah, blah, blah.... :shock: :lol:


I'm just smarter than you. Thats all. Period.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:07 am
by 5120W
Oh, and just in case you didn't know, I am hung like a wild field mouse. And I can usually last for at least 30 seconds. Sometimes 45 if I focus on something else really hard.