Queen Creek/Oak Flats Bouldering
Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 1:08 pm
For those who don't know, Oak Flats is the homebase for the Phoenix BoulderBlast. Access is definitely threatened. Anyone who can help, please contact the right people. Thanks!FoQC email wrote:FoQC Volunteers needed
The Friends of Queen Creek Steering Committee is small. We cannot do all the things that need to be done. We need generally responsible folks, who can work together in small projects and regular tasks. We need special expertise in computer graphics and web design.
We have openings on the Friends of Queen Creek Steering Committee for talented, enthusiastic, dedicated, influential individuals who want to help save recreational access to the Queen Creek area. Please email Curt Shannon (curtshannon@mindspring.com) or call 480.419.5735 for more details.
For other info please visit www.friendsofqueencreek.com.