RRC.com Bashed on "Climbing's" Forum
Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:58 am
Oh, the things you find lieing around the internet... so entertaining:
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http://forums.climbing.com/forum/showfl ... o=&fpart=1"
syfmac on 9/16/04 wrote: I have been reading magazines, climbing and now due to the internet age reading some of the saddest so-called conversations in the latter part of my 42 year life.
Redriverclimbing.com which has got to be one of the worst chat groups known to climbing. They're disgustingly egocentric and constantly stroking themselves for how good they are. But! just try to be an outsider. The climbing community that is becoming younger is also becoming more childish. They're about as mature as eminem and they seem to deal with their fears the same way. They're playing the same game as Bush is by only letting people that agree with them on their site.
Maybe they are afraid I'm going to talk badly about their climbing icons. Too late, they already climbocide themselves.
What if I ask tough questions. Well, that would be scary because they don't talk about real issues, they just want to F*CK this and that and you, and even talk about cams as phallic symbols. Maybe the description of Deliverance isn't really so far off.
Thanks for making your website a "free state" and letting me rant.
To Read More please visit:
http://forums.climbing.com/forum/showfl ... o=&fpart=1"