Sore heel routes - Red (pink) tagged

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Sore heel routes - Red (pink) tagged

Post by Wes »

Hey, Ryan and Alex (John's son) tagged a few routes in the Sore Heel area that John had bolted, but hadn't sent. They are tagged so that Alex can do them. I think they used some pink tape for the routes. Please respect this, as there are plenty of other routes to drill and do there. If you are intrested in doing some new routes, PM me and I will give you what beta I have.

Thanks for your understanding,
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Post by 512OW »

Once in a while even I agree with tagging routes.

THIS is one of those occasions.

Ok...its the only occasion.
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Post by longlegsrule »

Go Alex!! :D
From Kentucky ;o)
Alan Evil
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Post by Alan Evil »

I hate to point this out but shouldn't this thread be allowed to fade into the past gracefully?
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie

"Not all conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservative." - John Stuart Mill[/size]

Post by Guest »

thank you for your concern, but no, Alan, this thread will remain as an announcement--at least for the time being. There has been no decision about what to do with the remaining route(s). Stay tuned, and I'm sure Ryan or Wes will let us all know once it has been decided by the RRGCC. John has another son (Jesse, age 8) who is quite a hotshot little climber, though he is not quite ready to send at this level...
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Post by 88keys »

Thanks Sandy - I would like to think about this and discuss it with Ryan. I'm sure we can come up with a plan that will honor both Johnny & Alex.
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Post by allah »

I feel we should let the board come up with names for the routes. I have been told to go and do them but if I do I will not name them, and leave that to the people closest to Johnny and Alex
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Post by rhino »

There is only one route left that had any meaning to myself and Alex. It is on the side of the Gallery. It still has a tag ( or should ) and once I talk to Tina I will take care of it.

"Hookers and drugs man. Money can't buy happiness but it's really hard not to smile when you're in a cheap hotel room surrounded by hookers and drugs." ~ Charlie
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