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Scratch Your Face

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 3:44 pm
by loren
Does anybody know anything about this route? I was going to get on it the other day but there seemed to be a big loose stone right on the lip of the belay ledge. Is this thing safe? Has it always been there (the stone, not the route? Has anyone climbed past this?


Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 7:19 pm
by loren
Has nobody climbed this fucking route?! Can noone reply to a post that actually has something to do with climbing? What's wrong with you people? Please, Help a brotha out!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 7:46 pm
by lordjim_2001 ... php?id=348

Apparently not. You could get the second asscent!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:58 pm
by allah
wheres it at? and how hard, I think i am climbing this weekend (easy trad stuff).
oh and I have never heard of the route but hell lets go do it, loose rock or not

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:28 pm
by ynot
I saw some people on it once.Dont know if they finished it.They were knocking a lot of loose stuff on us. One of my party got hit with a hand sized piece.Be considerate of others below.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:18 am
by john e aragon
i know the route you are talking about. but, i have not done it for the same reasons you mention. i have considered doing it and having people at the bottom for crowd control so i could push that block off if it is loose. if you do this route please post what you find.