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If you're not busy this weekend

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 11:03 pm
by spuzo
Stop by Miguel's Saturday night to celebrate with Joe and I....and then come on up to Natural Bridge Sunday around 3pm for the wedding ceremony. (yeah...gulp...the WEDDING ceremony!)

The ceremony will be up on the bridge - unless it's monsooning again...There will be a note posted at the Sky Lift store where you get tickets for the lift....if it's raining it will say we're at the Natural Bridge Lodge activities center.

Come as you are, it's informal, no need to bust out that sea foam green suit Hamsco...I know you want to! Hike or ride the sky lift...have a good time!

Reception to follow at the Lodge activities center.

See ya there!

Stacy and Joe

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 11:25 pm
by Wes
Cool. Congratulations for sure.


Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:45 am
by ynot
Yeti Tamer? Does that mean that Joe is the abonibal snowman?
Congrats! This I got to go see. Riding that skylift is a bigger rush than most
of the routes I been on so be prepared.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:59 am
by Saxman
Don't even know you, but hope the ceremony goes well. On the bridge is a great spot. Congratulations.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 1:53 am
by Guest
I think I'm more excited than you are, Stacy! I wouldn't miss this for anything, girl. :D

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 2:02 am
by spuzo
thanks everyone...

yeah jesse, joe is abominable - haha check it out:

Oh yeah and my luck the sky lift will break down...well if it does, I know the Manimal will come to our rescue...I know he's done it before!!! :wink:

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 2:21 am
by meetVA
hey you guys. best of luck with everything.
you are practically becoming more local than the locals.

i will try and follow the example of hong-mihn from three kingdoms and supplicate the four winds from a tall tower so that you won't have rain on that day.


Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 2:40 am
by spuzo
thanks Va...your efforts are much appreciated! If you can, try for low humidity and cool evenings too!!! :wink: Thanks a bunch.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 3:49 am
by dipsi
Best wishes. I hope to be there Sunday for your happy day!

May I watch through the nose hole thingy? :roll:

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:02 pm
by Andrew
Why can't you do it the weekend after so that I can attend. Damn you guys and your schedule. Good luck anyway.