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Praise Allah!
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:20 pm
by captain static
Ladies, was Allah HOT in the leaves and boa or what? And what about JR's wardrobe malfunction?
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:21 pm
by Gretchen
Anyone take pictures??
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:23 pm
by Yasmeen
I'm sure there are plenty of pictures so that we can all relive the moments.
By the way, amidst all the spray for Yas, people failed to mention that Allah sent Windy Corner, too, this weekend-- on his first go (I think) and without tape gloves. Pretty insane!
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:27 pm
by squeezindlemmon
I still can't believe Vic actually held up JR's thong...
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:03 pm
by Yasmeen
Or that JR continued to carry it in his pocket the rest of the weekend...
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:53 pm
by allah
Guys, I can't believe I did that, Someone shoot me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont think I am ever going to drink that much agian. But Im glad that everyone had a good time watching me make a fool out of my self. I hope that Derbyfest made alot of money.
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 7:45 pm
by spuzo
Thanks everyone...and to all the strippers, you definitely made some cash! Jen and Whitney had the good idea to carry a jug around for money - and I was able to hand Shannon a milk jug full of cash, I saw some tens and twenties in there! Good job everyone...
Don't know if anyone saw, but I did slip a bill into the backside of JR's panties....I'm not sure how i feel about that...his butt was not quite firm, but not quite squishy...definitely smooth and white. haha...what a riot!
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 8:02 pm
by young'n climber
Well... I've certainly been scared for life. I don't think i can ever look at JR the same way again. The image keeps comming back in night mares...shoot me please.
On the other hand, it was funny watching kenny get drunk and make a fool of himself in front of everyone!
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 8:03 pm
by Guest
oh please someone tell me you got photos! And send them to me!!
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 8:49 pm
by kneebar
And yes, I do have the pictures to prove it! .........But should I post them?