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Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 10:26 pm
by Steve
Hey all, just wanted to put in some shameless self/work promotion.

Sunday May 9, 11 PM tune into Newschannel 36 for a story on the Red River Gorge. Not all climbing, but there are some great moments captured on tape. It will be well worth staying up for on a school night!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 5:04 am
by young'n climber
Is that a local or national T.V station?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 2:50 pm
by Steve
The Lexington ABC affiliate. Sorry if I didnt' make that clear. Hope some folks in central KY got to see the piece. I was really happy with the final product, but could've used another couple of days to shoot and filled a whole half-hour newscast...hell we could do a whole documentary on the place. I've always been a big fan of the Gorge from its early history to the latest climbng history, but man I have such an appreciation of the place after doing this story. Not to get all touchy feely, but the Red freaking rocks. So it bugs the piss outta me when I drive out 9b and see all the bags of trash laying by the road, or beside a smoldering fire ring. What do these people think, there's curbside trash pick up like in the big city? I'm thinking about trading in my ride for a garbage truck. Even worse when my warm breezy Sunday afternon is interupted by chainsaw totin' idiots.
OK, I digress. I hope ya'll got to watch the story.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 2:59 pm
by tomdarch
Is there any chance that a digital* version of the piece could be posted on a server somewhere so the rest of us could see it?

(* Preferably in a non-proprietary format (e.g. not Real or WiMP) like MPEG4 so that it can be viewed by everyone! Let me know if you need help transcoding it.)