Looking for the tree trimmer
Looking for the tree trimmer
I’m looking for a climber from the Ohio area that is a tree trimmer. He climbs at Lex Rocks once in a blue moon and at the Red fairly often. He is middle aged, pretty tall and stocky build. If you have an ideas who he is please PM or email me. Thanks
There is a guy who is named Mike who climbs. He was big, then he got small. He was on a raw vegan diet (total gayness) the last time I saw him and down to about 140 lbs. Is this the guy?
"I enjoyed a Guinness after I got back home from Palm Sunday Mass." - Captain Static
"Listen, you heard what I said. Do you want me to donate or not charlie. Suck it up and procreate." - Andrew
"Listen, you heard what I said. Do you want me to donate or not charlie. Suck it up and procreate." - Andrew