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Boat Rock "Float the Boat" boulder comp

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 2:03 pm
by brad mc
Come on out and help keep a great bouldering area from being bulldozed.
"Float the Boat"
Boat Rock Boulder Competition - December 7th, 2002
Atlanta, Georgia

We are less than two months away for the upcoming "Float the Boat" boulder competition. The event is sponsored by The Southeastern Climbers Coalition Come on out and check out nearly a half mile of wonderful egg shaped granite boulders at Boat Rock which we have saved from being bulldozed. The developer has given us a green light to hold the comp around the lake. See if you've got what it takes to ride "The Rail" or push up on the big mantle of "Glass Face" or if your hand jams are up to snuff for "Beam me up Scotty". And oh yeah, dont forget the new 7.8 acre area we just purchased in the front area with such notable gems as "The Paint Can", "Lost Digits" and "Waves in Motion".

Course setting is by Bob Cormany, Steve Deweese, Steven Farmer, and Jason Young with a special appearance by bouldering guru and comp organizer Adam Henry (AHSL). Pregistration is $35.00 or $40.00 at the day of the event. Participants get a BR tshirt, a smokin' day of bouldering and a hot grilled dinner. Huge raffle and auction as always. Divisions to be set on day of event. Cash prize $$$ to the Elite Division. There will also be a womens division, geritol division (over 30) (we will create another older division if we get more signups! and a kids division (12 and under).

If you are not interested in competing but want to support the event we are selling individual sponsor tickets for $20.00 which get you a t-shirt, cookout lunch and raffle ticket.

Sponsors: PMI, Misty Mountain, Blue Water, So ill Holds, Red Bull, Atlanta Rocks, Call of the Wild, Urban Outpost, High Country Outfitters, Galyan's,, Escalade, The Warriors Way, Trails Edge, Tennessee Bouldering Authority, Petzl, La Sportiva, Arc Teryx, patagonia, REI, Prana, Rock Creek Outfitters, Metolius, and many more to come.

Email: for more info and other useless stuff and check the SCC site for further updates. We are working on a special guest to make an appearance.

Boat Rock "Float the Boat" Pre-Registration Form
If you plan to preregister for the comp, please fill out the form below and mail your entry fee to the address listed.


Address ____________________________________________

City _______________________________ State ___________________ Zip _________

Phone _________________ Email ______________________

Age_______ If under 18 please have your parent or guardian sign below your name

Male / Female (circle one)

Climbing ability (Beginner-5-9 and under, Intermediate-5.10, Advanced-5.11 to 5.12, Elite-5.12+)

Signature _______________________________ Date_________

Parent or Guardian Signature _______________________________________________

Sign in for the competition will be from 8:00 to 10:00. The Comp will start at 11:00 sharp.

**********PLEASE READ THIS**********

Remember that Bouldering and Climbing is dangerous. All competitors will be expected to climb in groups and spot each other in case they fall off the boulders. It is expected that you will also have a bouldering pad or mat to aid in a soft landing. By signing the above form, you agree to not hold the The Southeastern Climbers Coalition or any sponsors or organizers of the event liable in the case of injury. Please note that the State of Georgia has Recreational statutes that protect private landowners from lawsuits due to injury on their lands.

Send your check to:
1936 Wellona Place NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30345

If you have additional questions contact

Once you have registered you will be sent an email confirmation before the competition. Boat Rock is located on Boat Rock Road in Southwest Atlanta. For a boulder map and directions click on or contact the email above.

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 2:21 pm
by Gretchen
THanks for posting!! I hope you have an awesome turn out!!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2002 4:59 am
by brad mc
we just snagged a sponsorship for Dogwood Brewery for a keg and a couple of cases for the dyno comp and "best" slack line. Red Bull is also showing with 2 of their energy vehicles and will be handing out samples. We are also kicking down $500 for the elite division for the Big Guns. See you there.

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 4:47 pm
by lance brock
last i checked, it was supposed to be 50 and sunny at boatrock on sat!!! come on down if you can...

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 4:50 pm
by Gretchen
THanks Lance! I hope you have a kick ass event! I would love to come but I have a RRGCC meeting. Hopefully next year!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 4:52 pm
by Guest
Howdy Lance! I hope the event is a smashing success!!

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 5:10 am
by brad mc
Boat Rock weather report for sat: partly sunny and high of 52 ... whatprefs=
Perfect BR temps and lots of hard projects willl go down
we are all set and ready to go; 2 red bull trucks; the North Face Avalanche ride; DJ's will be thumpin'; good food; and drinks;
see you all there - b

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 3:18 am
by brad mc
the event was kickin', sunny, temps in the 50's, over 150 people, and raised $3500.00 for local access. thnks to the many SCC volunteers and sponsors. see you next year!!

Mens Open
1. Zachary Pitts - 2464 points - $300 and prizes
2. Greg Kottcamp - 2406 - $200 " "
3. Kenneth McGinnis - 2005 - $100 " "

Womens Open
1. Michelle Smith - 1466 points - $150 " "
2. Kate Reese - 1354 - $100 " "
3. Jill Church - 1222 - $50 " "

Masters Division
1. Fernando Paulette - 1826
2. Jim Horton - 1421
3. Thomas Schmidt - 1414

extended placings and pics to be posted on

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 2:05 pm
by Gretchen
AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I am so happy that you had such a successful event! NExt year I'll round up a solid Red showing and plan on coming down!!!