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I'm Back!

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:14 pm
by aaron
my banning is over! so everyone's favorite poster is back! i didn't do anything, it was a case of mistaken identity. the mods that i was posting trolls but it was really my cousin the late great MT1. but im back now.

thanks to everyone that wished me a happy birthday ( i was banned the day before).

come see me in hell some time.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:37 pm
by Guest
welcome back, Aaron. (No, seriously!) I hear Hell is coming along nicely - can't wait to see it.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:47 pm
by aaron
thank you sandy!

hell is coming along. see you there sometime?

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:49 pm
by Guest
you bet, Aaron. Probably next weekend (finally!) - if you promise to keep your pants on. :P

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 3:19 pm
by aaron
there are no promises when it comes to my (or joe's or spuzo's) nudity!