At Miguel's last weekend I paid close attention to the names of routes that everyone was talking about. All the regulars came up, such as Wild Gift, Ro Shampoo, Bare Metal Teen, Centerfire, Crazy Fingers, Table of Colors, anything at the Lode (I think you get the idea). Every week, it is these same routes (more of less) that I hear everyone talk about.
What is your favorite route that you think doesn't get as much attention as it deserves.
I'll start off with Where's the Beef? and The Hook and the Pendulum (BTW, have you done either of those P2U?????) 8)
H&P is choss and is also a frequently done route according to Sloth statistics. I would vote for Game Boy and No Place Like Home due to their length. It is especially suprising that more people haven't done NPLH due to it's accessibility and aesthetic line. The obscurity, "satellite dish" crux, and top out of GB places this route into the unique category of Adventure Sport Climbing.
"Be responsible for your actions and sensitive to the concerns of other visitors and land managers. ... Your reward is the opportunity to climb in one of the most beautiful areas in this part of the country." John H. Bronaugh
definitely... Pogue Ethics was the first sport route I ever enjoyed and it opened up a whole lot more climbing for me. I wouldn't call it overlooked, though. The Scoobies are definitely good.