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Partner needed -late March weekday

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 6:14 am
by markr
First time post here. I live in Seattle, but will be visiting family near Dayton, OH for the last week of March. I've always heard great things about climbing at the Red and would love to slip down there for a day if I can find a partner who is free for a weekday. I'll be bringing a rope, rack and draws. I'm comfortable leading most gear routes to upper 5.10 grades, and sport to about 5.11b, but I'm totally happy cruising 5.6 all day too. You name it, I'm just looking for someone to show me around for a day. I can be reached at or at my work phone 206-545-8810 most days. Please drop me a line if you're interested.

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 6:24 pm
by ynot
There should be plenty of spring breakers at Migeuls ,to hook up with.

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 7:01 pm
by captain static
Don't know if I would be able to hook up w/you or not. Will have to check the schedule. BTW would you happen to know either Fletch Andrews over @ MSR/Cascade Designs or Paul "Woody" Woodrum of Mazama Rocks fame? Both are former RRG climbers.

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 9:42 pm
by One-Fall
What are the days you will be down this way? If it is over my spring break, I am sure we could work something out.


Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 6:36 am
by markr
Thanks to everyone who got back to me already. This forum is an excellent resource! I just posted yesterday, and I already have about 1/2 dozen potential partners for my visit. I wish I could stay more than one day and meet everyone who replied. Now I'll just need decent weather. As for the question from Capt. Static about whether or not I know Fletcher Andrews, yes. I met him when he was still working for Montrail, and I worked directly with him at MSR before they were sold to Cascade. It's a small world in this industry, especially in the Puget Sound area. I have to confess that I've been a bit of an industry whore since moving here 7 years ago: two stints in retail shops, two stints with gear manufacturers, and five years of passing myself off as a professional guide. I'll be in Ohio starting March 29 and it looks like Wednesday or Thursday will work out best for me to get down to the Red. I'll be in touch with a couple of you that I heard from first. Thanks again.