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stolen project draws

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 1:49 pm
by aaron
someone, in the last week stole my draws off of the upper half of way up wonder. they stole 2 or 3 bd quickwire draws and 2 runners with an enduro and quickwire biner. one runner is green spectra and the other is black nylon. the people that did it didn't even finish the climb, they bailed off the last bolt i had clipped, removing my draw and replacing it with a quicklink!
if any of you did it or know someone that did, i would be stoked if you would return them to me. if you keep them i hope you are doomed to a lifetime of climbing failures.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:17 pm
by Wes
Sorry that you lost your gear, but are you saying you didn't have draws all the way to the chains? If so, then someone may have thought it was just left there. I hope they find out that you were working the route and get your gear back to you. In the future, you may want to have draws all the way to the chains, as I might booty draws that were only halfway up the route, thinking someone just got in over thier head and bailed.


Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:44 pm
by Yasmeen
If I ever see more than one draw or piece of gear on a route, I assume that it's being worked... I don't see why someone would leave more than one piece behind if they were bailing. Aaron, it sucks that someone took your draws. I hope that they realize it was your project and they get them back to you.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:04 pm
by SikMonkey
Man, I agree that they shouldn't have taken your draws because like Yas said, more than one piece = project. That's the problem you run into though when you leave draws up at a crag that gets that much gumby traffic. They don't even know what the hell a project is, all they see is FREE GEAR. Sorry to hear it though.


Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:25 pm
by Pimp
aaron that was just part of your bad weekend, sorry 'bout your luck man... :| :(

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:55 pm
by hoss
Sorry bout your luck aaron, I'm just wondering who is stupid enough to want to steal and rely on used gear? Talk about a double dose of ignorance.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 4:25 pm
by Eagleman
That suck aaron... i remember you thinkin about takin them down last monday too. This bullshit and theivery is starting to piss me off. Hope you get those draws back and i'll se ya'll this weekend!

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 4:40 pm
by Wes
Usually more then one piece means that someone is working a route, but if you just came up to a route that had draws or gear halfway up, and it stayed that way for a couple days, I really would start thinking it was booty.

I remember a thread about some gear that was left on a route in th southern region not to long ago, and Aaron, you were ready to go a score that. So, maybe you can see the irony now?

The other question I have, is why didn't you finish the route? It sounds like you were just not able to, thus leaving gear. Which is the standard for booty. Now, if I had taken the draws, thinking they were booty, and later found out they weren't, I would return them.


Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 5:59 pm
by skeeterth0mps0n
I would agree with Wes,...if I saw gear that was left only half way up a climb. With no red tag on it. And a quicklink in one of the bolts. I would totally take the gear thinking that someone got in over there head. And then again,...I would also totally return it and say that I was sorry if I found out that you were working on it. I just hope that the word gets to that person about all of this.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 6:04 pm
by Wicked Tribe
Draws are one thing...trad gear is another. Cams are booty no matter what it looks like is going on. I don't leave any gear behind that I am too attached to.

Best advice is: don't leave your toys laying around sport or trad.

Still sucks though.