Murray Property and Charmane update from the RRGCC
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 3:26 pm
Murray Property
The closing is on track and nearly complete with only last minute paper left to do—finalization of deed descriptions, checking and re-checking to make sure everything is properly described and included, insurance forms to finish filling out, paper work signed, checks sent, etc.—all which should be finished in the next few days.
There will be an announcement when it is officially completed.
Charmane Oil
The RRGCC has retained outside counsel to deal with Charmane Oil. Under the law once the closing is complete the RRGCC’s legal interest in the Murray property “vests” and gives the RRGCC (finally) full legal standing to begin proceedings immediately. At the instruction of the RRGCC’s counsel we are advised NOT to divulge any sensitive information. Charmane Oil is monitoring the internet, the RRGCC’s and all climbers activities. Any contact with Charmane and their employees, or exchange of information, could harm our case against them. All climber actions can, and mostly, will be used by Charmane against the RRGCC.
Charmane’s position per their attorney from a letter dated December 23, 2003:
“The coalition may not use Charmane’s lease roads or park any vehicle on any property under oil and gas lease to Charmane. Vehicles on the lease hinder the ability to work…Charmane constructed and maintains the road for its own use…Your people may travel on foot on property in which the coalition owns surface so long as such travel does not interfere with Charmane’s ability to conduct its business…Cars which block the county road or are parked on property in which the coalition does not own the surface will continue to be towed. You have no right to use Charmane’s lease roads or block the county road…Your people have been giving Charmane’s employees the finger. They have also been evacuating their bowels on the well sites. Charmane’s employees deserve to be treated with respect. We expect you to see that the rude gestures cease and that your people stop relieving themselves on the well sites (or anywhere else on the leases)…Your people have been using (little “houses”) for garbage cans. Charmane’s people should not have to dispose of your trash and clean up your bowel movements. Your people should take their trash with them and go to the bathroom before they start climbing. If this behavior continues, all access will be denied (emphasis added)…”
Legal actions in counties are filed on certain days of the month, for example, the first Thursday of every month. The RRGCC’s counsel will be filing motions at the first available day immediately following the closing. Which will be in less than 30 days.
It is absolutely imperative for the RRGCC’s to successfully buy and open the Murray Property on behalf of all climbers to fully enjoy, in a timely fashion, that we all understand what is at stake, and help out. The RRGCC deeply appreciates everyone’s patience while we work through this. We understand how painfully slow this may seem but an enormous amount of hard and dedicated work is going on everyday behind the scenes. We will try to continue to make information available as soon as we can, when it is prudent. The RRGCC is also in the stages of hiring its very first paid employee, a part-time Communication Coordinator.
When the Murray Property purchase is complete and we finally work through the legal system to resolve our differences with Charmane, climbers, as represented by the cooperative and collective actions of the RRGCC, will have secured for themselves for the first time ever in the RRG the legal "right" to climb on their own land.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation and understanding.
The closing is on track and nearly complete with only last minute paper left to do—finalization of deed descriptions, checking and re-checking to make sure everything is properly described and included, insurance forms to finish filling out, paper work signed, checks sent, etc.—all which should be finished in the next few days.
There will be an announcement when it is officially completed.
Charmane Oil
The RRGCC has retained outside counsel to deal with Charmane Oil. Under the law once the closing is complete the RRGCC’s legal interest in the Murray property “vests” and gives the RRGCC (finally) full legal standing to begin proceedings immediately. At the instruction of the RRGCC’s counsel we are advised NOT to divulge any sensitive information. Charmane Oil is monitoring the internet, the RRGCC’s and all climbers activities. Any contact with Charmane and their employees, or exchange of information, could harm our case against them. All climber actions can, and mostly, will be used by Charmane against the RRGCC.
Charmane’s position per their attorney from a letter dated December 23, 2003:
“The coalition may not use Charmane’s lease roads or park any vehicle on any property under oil and gas lease to Charmane. Vehicles on the lease hinder the ability to work…Charmane constructed and maintains the road for its own use…Your people may travel on foot on property in which the coalition owns surface so long as such travel does not interfere with Charmane’s ability to conduct its business…Cars which block the county road or are parked on property in which the coalition does not own the surface will continue to be towed. You have no right to use Charmane’s lease roads or block the county road…Your people have been giving Charmane’s employees the finger. They have also been evacuating their bowels on the well sites. Charmane’s employees deserve to be treated with respect. We expect you to see that the rude gestures cease and that your people stop relieving themselves on the well sites (or anywhere else on the leases)…Your people have been using (little “houses”) for garbage cans. Charmane’s people should not have to dispose of your trash and clean up your bowel movements. Your people should take their trash with them and go to the bathroom before they start climbing. If this behavior continues, all access will be denied (emphasis added)…”
Legal actions in counties are filed on certain days of the month, for example, the first Thursday of every month. The RRGCC’s counsel will be filing motions at the first available day immediately following the closing. Which will be in less than 30 days.
It is absolutely imperative for the RRGCC’s to successfully buy and open the Murray Property on behalf of all climbers to fully enjoy, in a timely fashion, that we all understand what is at stake, and help out. The RRGCC deeply appreciates everyone’s patience while we work through this. We understand how painfully slow this may seem but an enormous amount of hard and dedicated work is going on everyday behind the scenes. We will try to continue to make information available as soon as we can, when it is prudent. The RRGCC is also in the stages of hiring its very first paid employee, a part-time Communication Coordinator.
When the Murray Property purchase is complete and we finally work through the legal system to resolve our differences with Charmane, climbers, as represented by the cooperative and collective actions of the RRGCC, will have secured for themselves for the first time ever in the RRG the legal "right" to climb on their own land.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation and understanding.