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Hangdog video footage wanted

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:37 am
by ertbaby!!!
I am not sure if this is the proper place to post for this... but I had the privilage to witness some AMAZING climbing during the finals of the recent Hangdog comp in bloomington IL at upper limits. I am mostly interested in the final rounds of the advanced and elite climbers. I have access to the video of the climb by a one John Freany ( it was, for lack of a better word... DOOOOOOPE) and now i am looking for anyway to get my grubby little hands on footage of the other climbers ascents. The clinics put on by Autumn and Alex ( sorry if i am screwing up the names terribly) in the finals blew my mind. I have never seen such a smooth climber as alex ( i REALLy hope i am getting that name right) and Autumns SWEEEEEET Campus/Dyno move was beyond words, if you werent there to witness it... try as i am to get a copy of it.

well anybody who has any of this footage ( i saw many people with
cam-corders so dont be shy!) please contact me. there are bunches of ways to reach me through my profile.