Since SCIN's so smart I bet SHM is a cleverly written perl script. But if he is really real, and I mean really really real, he better be able to back is attitude up with some mad skillz or he/she will be laughed at so hard people in Waddy will hear it.
I just read some of the crap in the 'trad is better' thread. Something about the tone has a strong scent of the whole SCIN/Ho mutual fisting/reacharound thing.
"Be responsible for your actions and sensitive to the concerns of other visitors and land managers. ... Your reward is the opportunity to climb in one of the most beautiful areas in this part of the country." John H. Bronaugh
It's not 512OW-- 512OW doesn't have a computer job that would allow him to post that many times in one day. Based upon Stronghandman's signature, my vote goes to SCIN...
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
(Emails > PMs)
Man, he kinda reminds me of this guy who was posing as FFA a long time ago. Maybe even on kywilderness? I believe his quote to SCIN and 512OW was something like "you two are strong, but arragent. But many people have said that about me". Rumor was it was a true southern hardman that happened by. I wonder if this is the same person.