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Status of climbing on the Murray property from the RRGCC.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:36 pm
by Shannon
October 14, 2003

This is a public service announcement from the RRGCC. The RRGCC’s primary concern is an amicable resolution to the situation with Charmane Oil and the safety and welfare of all climbers wishing to climb on the Murray property.

The Red River Gorge Climbers’ Coalition has a binding agreement with Mattie Murray, the current surface right owner of the property and expects to sign a purchase agreement before the end of 2003 to become next legal surface rights owners. These tracts of land contain the climbing areas known as, Drive By, In Between, Arena, Solar Collector, Dark Side, Gold Coast, Far Side, Gallery, Bob Marley, and other lesser and unnamed crags.

Charmane Oil Company is the current oil and gas right lessee for most of the oil on the Murray property. Recently, Charmane Oil posted “No Trespassing” signs on all roads leading onto the Murray property without the Murray family’s authorization or support. The RRGCC is still in the process of learning, from Charmane, the basis for their actions.

The Murray family, as the current surface right owners, has granted expressed permission to enter and enjoy access to their property, to all persons who are members of the RRGCC. Membership is not mandatory; it is not required. The issue is, if Charmane Oil were to unfortunately press charges against a climber, RRGCC membership, the Murray’s grant of permission to RRGGC members, and the RRGCC option to purchase would offer the best legal defense to criminal and civil trespassing charges. The RRGCC intent is to provide this information to all climbers to help protect them to the best of their ability.

On October 13, the Lee County Sheriff was present on the grounds of the Murray property in the company of Robert Stamper, manager for Charmane Oil. Gretchen Finniff, RRGCC board member, talked to the Sheriff and Mr. Stamper on behalf of the RRGCC. She expressed the RRGCC’s desire for an amicable resolution and relationship with Charmane, explained that the Murray family had granted permission to RRGGC members since we are in the process of becoming the next surface right owners, and that Charmane Oil’s attorney had not yet provided adequate documentation to support their right to exclude climbers from climbing on the Murray property. The Lee County Sheriff left after that discussion.

Please be advised of these latest developments and make your plans where to climb wisely until more information and a more permanent resolution can be reached.


Re: Status of climbing on the Murray property from the RRGCC

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:40 pm
by Yasmeen
Shannon wrote:The Red River Gorge Climbers’ Coalition has a binding agreement with Mattie Murray, the current surface right owner of the property and expects to sign a purchase agreement before the end of 2003 to become next legal surface rights owners. These tracts of land contain the climbing areas known as, Drive By, In Between, Arena, Solar Collector, Dark Side, Gold Coast, Far Side, Gallery, Bob Marley, and other lesser and unnamed crags
:D :D :D

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:53 pm
by RTimm
Thanks for clearing everything up. I knew half the story, now I know it all. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 6:14 pm
by Spragwa
Thanks for posting Shannon!!!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:15 pm
by Stewy911
thanks for the further update shannon. now i feel better about climbing in the region.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:21 pm
by ynot
WOW! a public service announcement without those annoying beeps! climbing rocks! Thanx Shannon and Gretchen.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:25 pm
by kclimb

Thank you for taking the time to forward this information to everyone. I really appreciate knowing and so will everyone else! :D

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 1:23 pm
by Christian

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 5:13 pm
by Spragwa
sniglet... :twisted:

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 5:13 pm
by Spragwa
Seriously though. This post is important, I hope lots of people are reading it. Shannon took a lot of time out to draft this and keep people informed.